Dating scan question


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
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I had my booking in appointment and she has given me the number to book 12 weeks scan. What I wondered if anyone else is just having a dating scan?? Im very low risk of downs Im 25...and if Im honest if I were to have a baby with downs I wouldnt have an abortion anyway??? Whats everyone else doing??? Am I the only person to just have a dating scan??:think:
Hey there.

Im almost positive that i am just having a dating scan. They asked about testing for downs and what not but we are in same situation as you, i am only 23 and even if the baby did have downs we wouldnt get a termination.

Amy xx
In regards to the downs when I went for my 12 week scan (dating scan) I was told I'm high risk as my baby's nuchal (sp?) fold is 4.5mm and the max should be 3.5mm. I've had my bloods done and I've been told I now have a 1 In 45 chance of having a downs baby (2%) so I'm also having a CVS test done on Monday. It's been very stressful but I know exactly how your feeling (and would do the same although its against everything i believe in, in regards to healthy babys) and if you need to talk please message me.
Hey there.

Im almost positive that i am just having a dating scan. They asked about testing for downs and what not but we are in same situation as you, i am only 23 and even if the baby did have downs we wouldnt get a termination.

Amy xx

I'm 22 and my baby might age doesn't always matter xx
interesting??? I guess the thing is I wouldnt wanna terminate and midwife says theres a risk of miscarrige with the needle doh dah....hum I guess will have to chat with hubby but if the outcome is that Im still gonna have the baby does it really matter?? Thanks for your interesting reply
I was told it's a 1% chance of miscarriage and I am dreading it!
This week has been the hardest in my life making horrible choices I never in my wildest dreams anticipated. I personally would have the baby but OH works away a lot so I'd be the sole carer which wouldn't be fair (along with other things) the point of the test is to prepare yourself and the docs as I believe you'll need extra support carrying and giving birth.
Whatever you choose is right for you tho!!
i cant imagine what a shock that was. And noone can comprehend what decision anyone makes i mean i dont actually know how i feel if it were actually happening. With regards to the risk of miscarrige i wouldn want that to be a risk at all but i would worry that baby might actually be fine and then miscary argh im sorry that your actually facing this
That's playing on my mind a lot. I just think the benefits outweigh the risks, I've read a lot of people's stories online and they've all been pretty positive. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed!
i booked a private nuchal scan as my mum had a downs baby before me. it wouldn't have made the slightest difference to me either if our baby was... it would be just as loved.
think you are really strong pinky princess and i hope it all goes well xxx
I am only doing the dating scan. I am 34, so already at a slightly higher risk of Downs, and wouldn't want to have to make that difficult decision of whether or not to go for diagnostic screening. So I'm just leaving it up to fate and hoping for the best. Good luck to you, pinkyprincess, I have all fingers and toes crossed for you that everything goes well and you get the all clear!
see thats what i think susanne.....I know I wouldnt have the further tests so is there any point

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