Well looks like the Clomid is needed.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Hey girls....

Well as you've probably gathered from the subject title, Im out, the witch has got me :(

I knew i was right and FF was wrong, in my last few cycles i have had a LP of 12 days and by my calculations i was 12dpo today, but FF put me at 10dpo

As gutted as am it has confirmed to me that im not ovulating properly, so on sunday (cd 2) I will be starting the clomid :(

This also means that this cycle I will have been TTC for a year

The only silver lining I can find is that i can have a drink tomorro night to celebrate anniversary (ok ok its a very tiny silver lining but i had to find something)...however like my hubby i wont be able to use the pool now and no nooky either so what we are going to do i have no idea lol but at least we will be spending it together

Sorry to hear the witch got you hun, hope you can still enjoy ur anniversary anyway and fx the clomid will help you get you bfp real soon.

Michelle. x
I'm just waiting for af to show so I can start clomid. Hopefully in next couple of days so we could be clomid buddies!!! :) Enjoy ur anniversary x
awe i like that it has a ring to it!! yes im up for being clomid buddies....i starting on 50mg?
what cycle days do you have to take yours? im cd 2 - 6

ps. we must have been posting on eachothers threads at the same time lol

oh bugger, sorry hun, i just posted on your other thread - i thought your symptoms sounded really good!!

Hope clomid does it for you. xx
Ha! Yep I'm jumping between the 2! I'm the same, 50 mg cycle days 2-6. Just waiting for the provera to work! Here's hoping clomid brings us both bfp's!!! x
Thanks Flisstebbs fx clomid works yes xxx

Kiki im doing the same flitting between them lol iv just sent you a friend request seeing as we are comid buddies lol yes i hope it does the trick for both of us and hope the provera sorts you out son as well xxx
Ahh sorry she got you Hun :( did you have any bloods done to check progesterone? I spot 10dpo but my level was 70 which means I ovulated. (that was on clomid)

Did you take clomid this cycle x
No not taken it yet hun, was hoping for a bfp this cycle so woodnt need it but looks like gynaecologist was right and that i do need it

Didnt have bloods done as dr wants the bloods to be done the clomid cycle

Oh hun, getting to the year mark is hard to swallow I know, but clomid can do great things for irregular cycles so fx it helps you x
Sorry AF arrived Bellarina X

I think it's good that you tried one last time, and that you already had the clomid ready up your sleve , so no cycle gap. Happy Anniversary - sure you will have a lovely time anyway, it will be kind of refreshing to spend some special time together , without doing just the normal things you do on such dates, it might be like old days again....or fresh new ones..
Oh hun, getting to the year mark is hard to swallow I know, but clomid can do great things for irregular cycles so fx it helps you x

Thank you hun, yeh I think thats wat im finding hard is facing up to the 1 yr mark, I really hope ur right and the clomid will work for me, I cant look past that at the moment. xxx

Sorry AF arrived Bellarina X

I think it's good that you tried one last time, and that you already had the clomid ready up your sleve , so no cycle gap. Happy Anniversary - sure you will have a lovely time anyway, it will be kind of refreshing to spend some special time together , without doing just the normal things you do on such dates, it might be like old days again....or fresh new ones..

yeh thats the only thing stopping me from crying and breaking down at the moment hun tbh is knowing il be doing something positive to help this cycle. awe m sure we will have a nice time spending some quality time together :) xxx

Sorry to sound like a moanin minnie girls but feeling really sorry for myself tonight and like a complete failure which i know is stupid as its not like i can help the whole not ovulating thing but i dunno i think its just a bitter pill to swallow having to have help to have a baby when it should come natural to me....i feel like screaming to my body "why wont you f***ing work"! Im sorry to moan about this as i know some of you girls have been trying alot longer than me and under harder circumstances, but i guess im just feeling sorry for myself :( Plese ignore me im being silly

Thank you all for your lovely messages of support xxxx
U dont ever need to apoligise hun, i think we all feel like that sometimes.

Michelle. x
Sorry Hun. It's not fair for any of us. You'll be okay once you get the help you need xxx
I feel exactly the same hun. I was still awake when my oh came in from work at three this morning and just started sobbing that I was broken and that How could he love me when i cant even get having a baby right! I think we're all allowed our down days, we wouldn't be human otherwise! But at least we can hopefully get fixed!! Here's to starting clomid tomorrow for us both! We'll get there in the end xxx
Ye i said to hubby at our anniversary meal tonight that o feel like iv let him down but hes adament its goin to happen for us which is nice.

U starting urs tomorro hun? Xxx

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