Well its over for this month..


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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my OH left last night for his holidays and I am due to go in 2 weeks which means I wont see him for a month. TTC is def out until May....
Good news is that if my cycles stay regularu i should be ov when we see each other and we'll have a month to make up for hee hee....

I'm going to keep popping on and seeing however everyone is doing, watching out for the BFPs so good luck everyone ...
aww hun have a great holiday and good luck for May babes - hope that will be your month!!!

going anywhere nice??

South Africa..... looking forward to it co i've never been

OH is in Asia... we have an apartment in Thailand so we go usually go there twice a year, however my friend wanted to go away for a big long holiday this year rather than our usual week so decided to be away at same time.
Its very bizarre actually, because we were talking to one of our thai friends the other day and she told us she'd had a dream that we had a baby boy... no one knows we are ttc either. Have to wait and see if i do conceive as to when we go back out there this year...
Sorry Rach - hope you stay regular! :D
Enjoy South Africa, I lived there for 6 years, its great :hug:
Hope you have a great time

rachie29 said:
Good news is that if my cycles stay regularu i should be ov when we see each other and we'll have a month to make up for hee hee....

That brilliant though, thats what happen to me when we were trying for lily, I felt it was the right time for a new addition so spoke to hubby about it and he said he'd think about it while he was away (was going away to canada for 3 weeks with work), and when he got back he'd decided that he wanted a another baby too, Luckily I was due to ovulate 5 days later and as we hadn't seen each other for so long we BD'd 4 days out of the 5 (needed 1 day of rest inbetween :rotfl: ).

I always say I was lucky for it to happen when it did as other wise we'd still be trying now as he's normally "too tired" MEN :shakehead: :D

good luck
Have fun. I'm not jealous at all, honest :roll:

Good luck for May, maybe a holiday will do you good as in the not being stressed about TTC then when you come back, have plenty of 'I've missed you' BD sessions then BOOM!! BFP :cheer:
aw thanks guys.....

i am hoping that all the making up for time b'ding will do the trick but to be honest after a month apart i'll just want to get my hands on him ha ha..... :hug:
Hope you enjoy your hols. It might be nice to have a break from the worry of TTC for a few weeks....it does become all consuming!

Have fun and get energised for lots of BD on your return :D

LOL - loving suzy's 'too tired' post - wish I had that problem with my hubby - he wast to do it all the time (i.e at least twice a day) and thinks I am talking rubbish when I say it dilutes his sperm! For him its quantity rather than quality apparently!!
Enjoy South Africa hun. My OH lived there between the ages of 7-13. He loved it. :D
Have a great holiday, I'm so jealous :D Good luck for when you come back too :hug:

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