Well Im just gonna be rubbish arent I...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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for last week or so Ive had braxton-hicks with "period pain" and I wouldnt say they were mild. I got woken up by one last night and thought "OMG thats sore" and then "OMG if thats just the practice contractions Im gonna be crap for the main event!"
Im imagining the girl from the exorcist...that shall be me! :shakehead:

I only wanted to do it on gas and air...... now Im thinking I aint gonna cope even if they tw*t me over the head with a hammer to knock me out!

Sorry had to get that off me chest, I just really dont wanna be the screamy shouty woman on delivery suite going mental....but judging by the pain Ive already had...I will be! :lol:
you will be fine - it may even be the start of the real thing hun and you will actually be a super woman !!! :hug:
I was thinking the same last night.. I have had really strong BH and decided to add epidural in to my birth plan :lol:
Aww i wouldnt worry about it, trust me when your i labour you really dont care who sees or hears what.

Apparntly i sounded like something outta the exorcist. My contractions started quickly and regularly, and got very strong very quickly, that was hard to cope with and that initial pain was the only thing that made me want an epi. When it actually came down to proper labouring it never crossed my mind. And 4 hours felt like 30mins!!!

You'll be amazed what you can do when you need to
don't worry hun! just make sure your open to all options of pain relief, there's nothing wrong with having an epidural if you want one in the end! :D

I'm sure you'll cope fine when the time comes. At least then its productive pain and you know you are going to see your LO at the end!
i was thinking this exact same thing as the pressure feeling ive been getting is imense and stopped me in my tracks last night and i was thinking how am i going to cope with the real thing lmao :rotfl:
The bit of labouring i did didn't even count as active labour as such and only got me to two centimetres dilated but it WAS productive pain... different to all the days and days of start stop nonsense i went through running up to my waters going... you'll be fine womble me lovely :) yeah it hurts but you know that the pains mean something and are doing something.. i found a combination of heat and water wonderful relief through that night - can't wait to see your labour thread honey :hug: x x x x x
Thanks girls :hug:
Once Im in established labour Im sure it will be different as I'll know here Im heading. Ive told OH to let me know if Im making too much noise lol, although I'll prolly have a go at him for doing it! :lol:
Hey hun I felt like that and knowing what labour feels like but I still was able to just about manage with G&A lol! (though if im completely honest, I think your crazy :lol: )

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