well I guess I am in here now


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2008
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went for a scan today and they found no heartbeat, Its another missed miscarriage, I have a week to hope nature takes its course otherwise I have a scrape next monday :( . I feel gutted this happened to me last time and I have been so careful this time round I just feel so poop.

What is the aftercare like here, I lost my last ones in Australia and it was so different to what I have been told and the info I have received here I feel quite lost
Im so sorry :hug: I had a missed miscarriage in feb i had an MVA basicly where they suction and scrape while you are still awake, they were very good while i was having this procedure but i didnt have any aftercare after i left the hospital. Do you know how many weeks you were when baby died as depending on size they can do a number of different procedure's, Pm me if you want to chat or if i can answer any questions you might have. Take care Sara xx
I was about 9 weeks, but it had only survived to about 6 weeks so teeny tiny, whats the chances of me miscarrying on my own does anyone know or is it more likely I will have to have the scrape next monday?

sorry 101 questions
IM so sorry for your losses hun. Tbh i dont know what the likely hood is really...both times for me ahve happened naturally (well im off to the docs tonite actually cos iv had alot of pain with this AF and feel generally sore when i press my tummy).
TBH if you have gone 3 weeks though with the baby no longer alive then i think its quite unlikly it will happen on its own now :(
Hope you are doing ok hun, i was almost 9 weeks with my first and 5 with my second

You take care ok im here if you need me xx
It is possible to come away itself but a missed miscarriage is missed because your body doesnt realise that the baby has died. It will eventually come away itself i was told as i was told i could wait for it to happen naturally the only concern is that this could cause infection. Do what makes you comfortable. xx
So very very sorry :hug: :hug:
I am going through the same after having a scan yesterday and there was no heartbeat. Did the doctors not tell you about a 3rd option? You can have tablets inserted that will make a 'natural' miscarriage happen within 48 hours. A few ladies on here have had it. This might be an option if you don't want to have the D&C and are concerned that the natural way may not happen within a week for you.
I had that in Aus first time round, they never mentioned it here, but I will ask them about it on monday and see if its an option for me thank you very much .

I'm sorry you are going through this as well :hug: :hug:

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