Weird goings on?


New Member
Jul 8, 2012
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Hello ladies and gentleman (if you are there too),

Last Sunday 01/07/2012 me and my partner had intercourse (unprotected).
I have recently come off the contraceptive pill, at the beginning of June. On the Monday 2/7/12 I ovulated (I suffer from mittelschmerz, so I always know when I ovulate).
My normal cycle roughly 28 days.. and I am very regular. Normally within the 2 weeks after I ovulate, I have a period...with no bleedng or spotting in between.
Then...Last night 7/7/12, I went to the toilet, and found I had pink discharge, with a bit of dark pink/brown colouring. I know my body very well, and I knew this was a bit odd.
I did a bit of reading, and others were saying about implantation bleeding.
It did scare me a little to be fair, because I wasn't expecting to see that lol!
I have been feeling a bit more sensitive and soppy and quite lethargic...but I just don't know!
I guess I'll have to wait and see if I have my period on or around 16/7/12, but what does it sound like?
How long before I can test?
Any advice or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated at the moment :)
Many Thanks for reading x
Hi LadyLoo,

I'm due my period on the 16th too, so have the same wait. I'm planning on doing a first response test on Wednesday morning because that'll be -5 days and it's got a fairly good chance of getting a reading then. If that fails then I guess I'll wait to do it again until Sat am. It's hard to wait though!

As to your symptoms it does sound as if it cold be implantation bleeding. If you're really regular and something weird happens then it may well be pregnancy related. Very excited for you! I've had no bleeding but have been having cramps, nausea yesterday (very strange because it was just for a few hours then passes after I went to sleep for a couple of hours), plus had headaches the last couple of days and spots too! I'm not normally ill so it's been a weird few days and I can't help but think that there's something going on in there! I have been pregnant twice in the last 6 months and had a weird full feeling both times, but I can't remember if I got it this early. (Both ended in miscarriages unfortunately.)

Anyway let me know if you get any symptoms and how you get on with testing. Nice to know someone's on the same dates as me!

Ahh hello my love,

Youre doing a first response this wednesday? I hope you get a positive :)
I am very regular (when I am not on the pill) and always make notes of ovulation and periods, and it is so close to a 28 day cycle give or take 1 day.
I'm not sure whether to wait until Mon 16th to see if I come on? Or try a test before?
I'm sorry to hear about the miscarriages.. they say third time lucky though hey? :)
I'll definitely let you know how I get on, and I hope you keep me informed too!
Take care x
Good Luck Ladyloo... that is all sounding extremely positive & exciting!! I usually try and hold off until AF is due before testing but having said that if I ever had what I thought could be implantation bleeding and was in your position I would definitely not be able to wait that long and would be likely to test from 11dpo onwards because it is looking so hopeful! FX for you xx
how many days past O did the pink/red/brown cm happen? I had very slight implantation bleed when preg with my son and that happened on 10dpo and I tested positive on 13dpo - and it was a dark line - so probably would have got a faint line on 11 or 12dpo.

Sounds promising - good luck :)
It was 5 days After ovulation. I populated Mon 2/7/12 an the discharge appeared on sat 7th. Is it best to test or wait an see what happens next week when my period is Due? Thanks ladies x

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