Weight gain so far!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Well im 24 weeks in and have gained just over a stone :shock: Thing is im quite slim to begin with and really dont feel like ive gained anywhere else and appear to be all bump so wheres it all come from! I am also carrying the same shape but smaller than with my son and i only gained 2 stone full term with him! Looks like im gonna have more to shift after this lil one!

How about you ladies?
i've gained 5 punds (2 kg) so far with my first, but i have just had to give up the gym because of my pelvis problems, so i expect to gain quite a lot in the next few weeks. Have already started looking at some of the little treats i normally allow myself.

That's good isn't it? I'm 19 weeks and have gained about half a stone, I'm quite pleased as it doesn't sound a lot, although my cravings have only been for vegetables on the whole.
Sandi4Paul said:
i've gained 5 punds (2 kg) so far with my first, but i have jsut had to give up the gym because of my elvis problmes, so i expect to gain quite a lot in the next few weeks. Have already started looking at some of the little treats i normally allow myself.


I havent been on the scales - but I would reckon I am also about half a stone so far if not more!
Nothing as yet, I lost a lot when I was being sick in 1st tri....but since the sickness my weight has stayed the same, I think its because I have started work and when I work then I don't spend the whole day eating! If I was at home I would be a Jabba!
I've gained half a stone so far. A lot better than with my son when I gained a stone in the first 12 weeks! Im a bit heavier to satrt with but all in all Im so pleased.I was worried Id put on nearly 5 stone again!!!

Oh wow :oops: I've gained loads compared to everyone else....

About 10lbs so far :cry: Now I feel huge :(
Dont worry clairey..I could well be that as well. But we are all going to put on different amounts now..depending on our starting weights etc...the body will hold on to what it needs and discard what it does not...
I reckon I've gained over a stone (and gone up two dress sizes) :oops: :oops: I'm pretty sure it isn't all baby either :oops:
Neev said:
Dont worry clairey..I could well be that as well. But we are all going to put on different amounts now..depending on our starting weights etc...the body will hold on to what it needs and discard what it does not...

That's just an estimate....it would well be more than that :moon: I was about 9st 3lbs to begin with...am definately nearly 10st now, eeeeek! I panic about it a little, just because I used to have an eating disorder....I've thrown caution to the wind since becoming pregnant and eat whatever I want to eat (including wholegrains and at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day).....I can't help feeling worried about the prospect of having to lose loads of weight after the baby is born.

I wonder if anyone else is going through this too?

C xxx
Dont worry too much about what you put on.Even though it is natural to worry about it and I'm sure we all have. Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different too. I was 10 stone when I got pregnant with my son and I went up to 14 and a half stone with him. Its just how you carry the baby. Like I say everyone is different but please dont worry too much as not eating is worse than putting on a few stone.

claireyfairey said:
I wonder if anyone else is going through this too?

I would have a chat too Sandi4Paul I think she has experienced something similar.xx
lisanat said:
Dont worry too much about what you put on. Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different too. I was 10 stone when I got prgnant with my son and I went up to 14 and a half stone with him. Its just how you carry the baby. Like I say everyone is different but please dont worry too much as not eating is worse than putting on a few stone.


Oh, please don't worry, I'd never starve my baby :oops: I've eaten normally for years and maintained a healthy weight for as long :) It's just the psychological aspect that can be tough at times. I'd never knowingly put my baby at risk, I can assure you :)
OMG!! :oops: Sorry I didn't mean it to come out like that, i didnt think you would.I jusst know how worrying it can be thats all. :hug:
I am not very good at writing what I think.

:hug: That's okay hun! I was so worried aswell that I had made people think I was going to do horrid things to my child, not based on what you had said at all!

Haha, these damn hormones :)

C xxx
I DREAD to think! :oops: I don't have a clue and wouldn't even like to guess!

It's more of a fingers in ears moment screaming "LA LA LA LA" when the MW puts me on the scales! :roll: xx
I went on the scales at the Trafford Centre 2 weeks ago and nearly passed out in shock, i was convinced I hadnt put much weight on as it is only on my tummy but I had. I have gone from 9 stone 7 to 11 stone 3 so thats like 24Ib's I am so embarrased :oops:
I think about a stone and a half/ 10 kgs ish. I was between 9 - 9.5 stone before falling pregnant. The weight isn't really really showing though....we went out last night and DH said in what I was wearing I didn't even look pregnant, so goodness knows where the weight is.

It's more than I had imagined putting on, BUT, I eat really well, natural foods, loads of fruit and veg (with the occasional treat of course!) so I'm trying my best to go with the flow - but at the same time get worried I'm putting on way too much compared to some of you ladies! I'm still going to the gym so I have no idea what I'd put on if I wasn't!!

L xxx

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