Weight gain so far!!!

Last time i got on i'd put on a stone :(

But before i got pregnant i'd put on a lot of wieght anyway, when i was with my ex i was pretty unhappy and lost wieght, i was abotu 8 stone, when we broke up i was happy and ate loads and went up to just under 9 stone (its all the alcohol i was drinking with meals etc lol)

I didnt gain any weight in first tri and its all gone on pretty quickly over the past few weeks. I'm not sure if i've lost the exess alcohol weight and put on baby wieght but over all i was 10 stone last time i got on. I have never weighed so much in my life!! I know its baby cos when i was at my heaviest a few years back it was all on my face but this isnt. its still depressing though lol
abcd - I'm similar, the weight gain isn't showing in my face so I'm hoping I can blame baby :)
Lisamj said:
abcd - I'm similar, the weight gain isn't showing in my face so I'm hoping I can blame baby :)

I blame the kitkats! :rotfl:
I blame my mum, always buying rubbish like multipacks of crisps and biscuits, I just can't resist them. It's all her fault :evil:
Well - I blame:

MacDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC, Burger King, chocolate, crisps, coke, sweets *FADES OUT*
About 5lbs so far but I want more so am gonna eat some of the above :)
God, I've put on LOADS compared to everyone else. I have gained about a stone & a half. But then I was about a stone underweight before I got pregnant - so really it is only half a stone. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

To be honest, I am eating, (mostly), healthy and am probably getting more excercise than before so I really don't give a damn how much I gain. I am LOVING my new shape and hope I don't lose everything afterwards. OH is loving the bigger boobies as well. :D :wink:
i put on 4 stone with my first (girl) this time (not sure of the sex) ive put on 1 and a half stone which i think is god im still in my size 10 jeans jus cant do them up but in a 14 top hehe
So far so good, no weight gain. I've lost weight because I've been ill with the flu and a terrible cold for the last month. It's nearly gone so I'm sure the weight will start to go on soon.

Trying to eat healthily though but I do like to enjoy a chocolate bar or two at the weekends :)
Just wanted to resurrect this so I can be all gloaty and say that I have only gained 1lb in 2 weeks or so, and I m thrilled!!! All my manic fruit munching is paying off, was so worried about the weight coming on too quickly so I'm glad it's slowing down a bit - woo! :cheer:
claireyfairey said:
Oh wow :oops: I've gained loads compared to everyone else....

About 10lbs so far :cry: Now I feel huge :(

Hi, I am only 14 weeks and I have gained 4.5 kilos already... just to make you feel like you are not alone...! :hug:
Ani said:
claireyfairey said:
Oh wow :oops: I've gained loads compared to everyone else....

About 10lbs so far :cry: Now I feel huge :(

Hi, I am only 14 weeks and I have gained 4.5 kilos already... just to make you feel like you are not alone...! :hug:

Aww thankyou honey :hug: I guess our bodies just needed that bit extra :) Mine appears to have slowed down a bit now which is great!

C xxx
claireyfairey said:
Ani said:
claireyfairey said:
Oh wow :oops: I've gained loads compared to everyone else....

About 10lbs so far :cry: Now I feel huge :(

Hi, I am only 14 weeks and I have gained 4.5 kilos already... just to make you feel like you are not alone...! :hug:

Aww thankyou honey :hug: I guess our bodies just needed that bit extra :) Mine appears to have slowed down a bit now which is great!

C xxx

Absolutely. Mine seems to have slowed down a bit now too.

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