

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2006
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Im soooo confused, everyone's got different opinions on this, my mum and in laws say you should start the baby on solids at 4 months, but the books say now it's harmful to the baby's digestive system to start em off too early, Noor is getting to be soooo hungry in the evenings at only 3 months, so I dunno whether it will help if I started him on cereals or baby rice next month, any experiences or opinions would really help me make a decision! Thx guys :hug:
I just started mine on solids as soon as they were showing all the signs regardless of their age. Jess was 18 weeks, although I tried her at 12 weeks cos she was so greedy but didn't take to it. Aimee was 16 weeks and Nathan was 21 weeks. Is he on the hungry baby milk yet? Nathan was taking 9oz of cow and gate plus and screaming for more when I knew he was ready :D
I would start him just on babyrice mixed with breastmilk/formula, just once a day (prob lunchtime or mid-afternoon is best)
It may well be a growth spurt that your LOl is going through, its really common at 3 months, and it will pass, but they are such hard work :D
This is what the DoH say about early weaning....

The Department of health recommends that you do not start to wean or introduce solids to your baby before the age of six months. Before the age of six months your baby doesn't produce the enzymes necessary to digest food properly. You may also risk damaging their immature kidneys. You also risk your baby developing problems with allergies and obesity later in life more complex foods are given too early on.

If your going to wean earlier, Id have a chat with you HV, see what they can suggest.
thx girls, Il see how it goes, as Im b-fing I dont really know how much he's taking but he drives me loopy in the evenings, feels like he's permanently attached to my breast for like 6 hours, lol. Il see how it goes, but definitely start with rice/cereal!
ALL babies are hungry in the evening - I have a Debs shaped limpet attached to my boobies in the evenings :D What helped me was getting to go to bed at a reasonable time, so it doesn't last evening. I found the more tired she was, the more she wanted to nurse. She goes down at 7 now and wakes up at 4 for a feed and then sleeps till 6/7 ish. The gov now recommends solids from 6 months onwards based on the WHO guidelines - this is because then the gut is still quite immature and giving solids is supposed to trigger the guts defense system which turns into allergies in later life. The official line is that early solids is why the rate of allergies has risen so much in the last 20 years - ie ever since we started to introduce solids much earlier. I'm waiting till 6 months but then again every baby is different!
I started Tia on solids at around 12 weeks... Now she was born 8lb 9oz, never lost any weight despite being bf'ed and was always and still is a very hungry child. I started her on baby rice and brest milk and she really thrived on it. She only developed a milk intolerance when she was 9 months due to contracting a rota virus, and she grew out of it and it had nothing to do with weaning early as rota virus are person to person transmitted.

Tia is now the size of a 9 year old...but as thin as a stick...and no she doesn't take after me at all :rotfl: :rotfl: . She is just a large child... very tall and always hungry. Shes also very healthy.

I think the level of allergies has increased because the level of our hygine has increased. My mother was told to only sterilise bottles to 6 months...and nothing else was ever sterilised, only bottles...plus the cleaners available today weren't around. I stopped sterilising Tias bottles at 10 months because I caught her toddling round the garden popping stones in her mouth once :shock: and she is very rarely ill with anything, must have been all that bacteria that her immune system got used to.

None of the government guidelines about 6 months were around when I had Tia, they told us 4 months so you can see that in 7 years the governments ideas have changed again....but Tia was soo very hungry all the time, I was having trouble coping up to 4 months. With my mother they were advised to put baby rice in bottles and feed it to the babies as early as one month to settle them, so weaning as we know it happened really early back then yet there were less allergies.

If your baby is large and hungry, then you could try one small meal...of very diluted baby rice with lots of breast milk. Its very neutral food and will probably fill your baby up nicely for a while.
I weaned stephen at 4 months cos he was so grewedy and alwsy hungary and i wasnt getting any relief from him at all.So thats what prompted me to start.
I just started the first week giving him half a bottle in the morning and then giving him plain baby rice for breakfast and that was it all week.
Then the next week it was brekky and lunch, more baby rice but a flavoured and i just built him up over the month and gave him lots of savories to get him used to vegtables etc.

Was woth it though cos he then started sleeping through the night cis he werent hungary anymore.He still had the odd bottle in the night but thsats nothing to every few hours!
i started evie on baby rice at 3 months, my HV said it was ok to as she is a 'big' girl, over both average length and weight. She's taken to it really well, she only gets one teaspoon of babyrice at 11.30am every day when shes about 4 months i'll start giving her some fruit and veg in with the baby rice :D .
This sounds like a growth spurt to me. I personally would never wean before 20 weeks minimum. Seren was always attached to me when she was 3 months and it is exhausting but it soon settles down again.
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