***Weaning Report***

Sorry i meant bethany was being sick, wasnt sure whether this was normal as her body is getting used to food??
Sorry - I see what you mean now :D . I do think it's fairly common for more sickness when weaning starts. My LO was nver sick before weaning, in fact he probably would have managed all his milk feeds and winding without a bib. As soon as we started weaning though he was a little bit sick every now and again. You have to give their tummy's a chance to get used to the consistency etc of 'food'. Is she being sick all the time and is it lots?
Shes not sick loads and loads but she is generally sick after she has her dinner not sure why///
what are you giving her? maybe it doesnt agree with her we have recently found that ground rice makes thomas sick after eating it so he now cant have that,
well shes had banana,carrot, sweet pototo, butternut squash, pear, she is sick after most of them carrot is worse though
hmm not sure then hun your not adding anything to them like salt/pepper or anything?
what texture is it? maybe try adding more milk make it smoother
:wave: I haven't posted on here in a while- I decided just to go with the flow and get on with it :-) Evie much prefers jars but I try and give her my stuff as well. She's very independent and hates me feeding her so meal times are messy lol.

She is a lot less sicky now she tends to hold the food down much better :-)

Next month I am going to switch to giving her finger foods for lunch and see how she likes that :-)

ditto Jade...Ted prefers jars too, which i'm slightly offended by :lol: however i am persevering with my obviously minging cooking :rotfl:
No i'm not adding anything to my cooking, but since i posted she has been okay had pear and sweet potato so maybe her tummy took time to getused it. Shes only small so that could explain it
jar food is a lot blander then homecooked so babies can sometimes prefer it. Seren was the same.
We had much fun today! Spoke to the HV about finger foods and she said to give it a go as she's only 10 days off 6 months (but still to use gluten/dairy free stuff etc until then). So she had rice crackers with mashed banana on top and some chunks of banana. She LOVED it! Absolute carnage but she ate about half a banana (the other half was shmooshed on her face and her clothes) and she held and chewed it like a pro.

I am sooo excited to get going with more interesting things in a couple of weeks time!
Just thinking at the minute bethanys meals go like this

Between 8-9am - bottle
12pm -veg ( carrot, sweet potato, butternut squash etc) and bottle
3pm-- bottle
7pm - bottle

When i start giving her 2 meals a day will i give her breakfast next and will i reduce bottles because i dont know which one to take away.

you can give whatever meal next that works best fr you, we do breakfast and dinner some do lunch and dinner some breakfast and lunch :)
i havent reduced thomas feeds i find he still wants 5 7oz bottles a day if they drop one then far enough but i wouldnt just take one away :)
I need help with this weaning :?

Sophie has been having baby rice for about 2-3 weeks for breakfast which she loves. I tried a bit of banana mixed in which she thought was ok. I want to try her with fromage frais and some veggies but does it matter that she has carrot for breakfast? Or should i introduce lunch.

Help me please im cluesless to all this.
I;m not sure to be honest, i give bethany lunch, maybe you could introduce lunch to sophie that way she could have carrots, or other savoury things and you could try her. Dont know i this helps???
Bloom said:
I need help with this weaning :?

Sophie has been having baby rice for about 2-3 weeks for breakfast which she loves. I tried a bit of banana mixed in which she thought was ok. I want to try her with fromage frais and some veggies but does it matter that she has carrot for breakfast? Or should i introduce lunch.

Help me please im cluesless to all this.

It's whatever you're comfortable with and you think she needs. I did lunch first, then dinner and only started breakfast a couple of days ago. I give her something cerealy (baby porridge, maize and rice based until she's 6 months and then can have something oaty) for breakfast, she has just started finger foods for lunch (sticks of banana or other soft fruit and rice crackers) and has veg for dinner sometimes with fruit to follow.

Do you have the Annabel Karmel book? While I don't follow it religiously (we're going to edge towards BLW when she's 6 months - just over a week) it's great to get ideas from.
A little update on us :D

Well, we are up to 3 meals a day now and are going strong. Last week wasn't as good as Charlie had mainly jars because I've had a VERY bad back and we had run out of home made stuff and I was unable to stand and make a new batch :(

I've stood today though and made a couple of weeks worth of stuff. Started combining different veg now and introducing some new ones, gonna try avacado and banana for lunch tomorrow and see how that goes.
Well weaning has been going well bethany has only been having dinner but the hv recommended today to up her feeds so tomorrow we're going to start with a breakfast too. See how she goes
Thomas is doing well he has breakfast and dinner also a rusk everyday for lunch sadly not the sugarfree ones as they contain milk yet the origanal dont :wall:
he has about half of one and just sucks it and makes a mess lol
if i give him carrot sticks do cook the carrot first of give it raw?

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