Weaning off the Breast


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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As the title says i'm currently weaning Evie off the breast. She turns one in two weeks so my plan is for her to take her last feed on her birthday.

It's really upsetting :cry: but I always said i'd stop at 6 months and here I am at 12 so i'm very proud of our achievement. I'd love to go further but I feel like i'm ready to stop here.

Has anyone else weaned their LO's off the breast successfully? And if so, how did you go about it?
Well done on getting to a year :) Isla is nine months and she only has morning and evening boob as I'm back to work in two weeks. I just increased the gap between feeds and offered cups of juice/water/milk throughout the day.

It want easy but she doesn't ask for boob now.

oh wow, well done!!!! thats really good!!! ive been breast feeding for 5 months, thinking of weaning her off the boob now but have no idea how or to feed half breast half formula ...again have no idea how to get about this :s....o dear
Fantastic on the feeding hun, can't believe she is nearly one already tho!!

Again, no idea as never done this before now, but will love to see what the ladies say for future ref for me too, I plan to go to 12 mths too
Well we're doing well so far - she has about 5oz+ 3 times a day plus a cheeky boob thrown in now and then for good measure! :)

I'm going to miss it so much and I know she is too - she still roots when she's upset or tired and I feel terrible for 'taking it away from her' but i'm confident that i'm ready to move on now and I know in time she'll understand and forget about it!

I've been so lucky to have been able to get to 12 months - there's been times where i've been this close to giving up (especially the first few weeks - sore nips! Ouch!) but i've stuck at it and second to giving birth to my beautiful daughter, it's the most proudest achievement of mine to date :cloud9:

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