weaning baby off a dummy...


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2007
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jack is nearly 11 months old and ive been thinking of getting him off his dummy for ages but dont no if its mean to do it before i can explain to him why, but i have decided to do. my sister is getting married on friday so am keeping it til then cos i dont no how he will cope with all the people and our routine will be going out the window!

anyway..feel like im writing an eassay here! lol! he used to have (until i left it somerfields!) a little taggies blanket which he loved so im thinking about buying another one and slowing substituting the blanket for the dummy and doing it over 2 weeks or so...is this a good idea? he only has dummy for sleep and when poorly now..
mark has not had his dummy now for 2 days and to be honest he seems fine. he looked for it at bed on first night but that was it. being so small they soon forget about it. the only problem we have is that grace is using a dummy and he sometimes tries to take hers. im sure your LO will be fine without it.
It sort of just happened with us, and I was very surprised. I thought bedtimes and naptimes would be nightmares but Kai seems absoultely fine without one and I am so happy it worked out like this. It wasn't planned, just that we couldn't find any and it took off from there when we saw he was fine without one.
he didnt sleep this afternoon and so has just gone to bed an hour early but he was sitting on my lap and was so tired so i just put him in his cot still awake but sleepy and he is now fast asleep!! without a dummy!! hope it will carry on being this easy!! im just gonna see what happens...wasnt really planning on doin it til next week but hey! thnks for ur comments! will keep u informed!

Good luck hun

When i took Kiaras away at 6 months it was 2 days of waking constantly . But after that she was fine going to bed without it and eventually slept a little longer as she wasnt waking everytime it fell out !
interested to know how its going kelly. keep thinking about getting rid of lukes but i feel its too early yet i think i will wait til he is 12 months or just see if he naturally out grows it. good luck x
Your all braver than me! I've only just took Aimees away in the day this week. Shes been fine but I daren't take it away at night yet. Shes just too attached.
still havnt done it yet! brought him a teddy monkey from mothercare so this is gonna become his new comforter...i hope! my sister got married on friday and he didnt go to bed till 2am so im still tryin to get his routine back on track but im thinkin maybe wednesday...the dummy will be going!! im gettin really nervous about it tho! :shock:
hi there.

we were in the same shoes as you. my son Oliver is 22 months old n i decided that i wanted his dummy gone b4 his 2nd bday. well its been a few weeks now n he started chucking his dummy out his buggy in the day time so we took it off him. yes he did cry for a bit but got used to not having it its now been 3 days, Ollies been without a dummy at nite time and nap time now so we are thinking if he dont have 1 for another week we can ditch them. we have them in the cupboard just in case but not needed it so far

gud luck huni

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