weaning and poo...

Baby Bean

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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Hi all,

I've not logged on for a while as went to visit a friend up in Scotland :) ella has been making brilliant progress, sitting up unsupported and everything! Anyway, she's been on baby rice in the evenings for a while and been fine, so last week I started introducing other foods at lunchtime - avacado, carrot and apple so far. Ella really likes it and I'm still bf as well. The problem is she's not pooed for 4 days now and I'm getting worried! She seems uncomfortable sometimes but not all the time. She usually goes every 1-2 days. Has anyone else had this or got any advice?
Thanks in advance! X
I'm having the same issues with Isla. She loves her food but is reluctant to take water. I've been searching for the perfect cup/beaker and today I tried her again with a free flow tt one and she got the hang of it immediately!

I cycle her legs through the day and do the I love you tummy massage as well. She went 5 days without a poop but seems to be getting looser now she's having more fluid, other than breastmilk.

Good luck x
Thanks, will try the tummy massage later if no poo! I've been giving her water but she doesn't take very much at the mo. This whole being a mummy thing is hard! X
Keep trying with water/juice, hopefully she will take it soon. You could give her a tablespoon of prune juice or orange juice to get her going? Not too much though or you'll get the opposite! X
prune juice works but it shud be 1/6th of the water. I was also adding some brown sugar in the diluted juice as it helps passing poo..works with my son who is a lot constipated
Yay, we had poo today :lol: ! And ella was much happier afterwards! Although very annoyed with hv as called this am and left a msg with reception asking someone to call me back and nothing! Thanks for the advice ladies :)

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