we have started weaning! *with cute pics*


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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Isla has begun waking earlier in the mornings and had me up at 5am this morning for a night feed (I'd consider that a night feed!) so we have made the decision to gradually introduce Isla to solids :) She's tried baby rice on a couple of occasions but didn't seem too interested but she appeared to gobble it up today and was laughing and smiling at me whilst dribbling most of it everywhere! :lol:



Here is my weaning plan so far :)

21 weeks: Baby rice once a day. (23rd Feb)

22 weeks: Baby rice twice a day. (02nd March)

23 weeks: Baby rice once a day. Puree of carrot once a day. (09th March)

24 weeks: Baby rice with pureed apple once a day. Puree of carrot and broccoli once a day. (16th March)

25 weeks: Baby rice with pureed pear or apple once a day. Puree of sweet potato and either carrot/broccoli once a day. (23rd March) (Introduce pear for 3 days, then sweet potato)

26 weeks (6 months): Baby rice with mashed banana once a day. Puree of swede and either carrot/broccoli/sweet potato once a day. (30th March) (Introduce banana for 3 days, then swede)

27 weeks: Baby rice with mashed banana/apple/pear once a day. Puree of butternut squash and either swede/carrot/broccoli/sweet potato once a day. (06th April)

28 weeks: Baby rice with natural dried apricot or mashed banana/apple/pear once a day. Puree of pea and either swede/carrot/broccoli/sweet potato once a day. (13th April) (Introduce apricot for 3 days, then peas)

Trust me to think about it in such detail ;)

Just wanted to share with people :)

C xxx
Bless her, so cute! Check you out- super organised mummy! :D xx

I wish i'd been a bit more organised...but thats not me lol!

Let us know how you get on. I love spoon feeding, I know a lot of people find it a chore, but we always enjoy mealtimes.

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