Ways to boost immunity in a 1 yr old


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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My poor boy has been so ill lately :(

It all started mid February, he got hand foot and mouth disease and it really knocked him for six. He was poorly for just over a week, he wouldn't eat, wouldn't take milk, had a raging temperature and just wanted to sleep. I don't think he ever really fully recovered though as his immune system has struggled since. Since the end of feb he has had what seems to be a constant cold, norovirus, an ear infection, croup, conjunctivitis, and now he currently has diarrhoea. I think the diarrhoea may be related to the antibiotic drops he was given for his eyes so I've stopped them just in case.

Once this bout of diarrhoea is over I'm going to restrict his diet to bland but nutritious foods until his stomach has recovered, but after that I'm looking for ideas on how to boost his immune system. Any ideas?
Emma loves strawberries, blueberries oranges, kiwi's etc but I don't know how great they would be on a recovering tummy!

Poor thing, doesn't sound like a great run of things for him?

How about some live yoghurt to get all the pre/probiotics and friendly bacteria back into his gut?
That's a good idea about the yoghurt, I hadn't thought of that! Normally C would be guzzling the berries etc too but his tummy's still a bit too sensitive :(
I'm not sure what age you can give this at, but you can get liquid vitamins for toddlers/children, but i'm honestly not sure what age but I remember my wee 1 taking it & she was never ill at all. Obviously fruit & veg is best way for them but I saw this as an extra

What about mixing with other children. I know he will catch things but will also be exposed to more and start to build up immunity
Poor boy, tegan also seems to be constantly ill! Hope he's on the mend now xx

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What about mixing with other children. I know he will catch things but will also be exposed to more and start to build up immunity

He mixes with lots of other children already, they're what are making him ill lol!
Poor boy, tegan also seems to be constantly ill! Hope he's on the mend now xx

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Touch wood, he's been ok for about a week now! I stopped his usual group activities last week just to try and give his immune system a better chance. We've been to all the usual baby groups this week so fingers crossed hell still be ok by the weekend! I hope Tegan gets better soon hon xx
Glad he's been well for a while! Other than her rash she seems fine for now hun thanks. xx

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