
do you really think so sami? :shock: and yer im still trickling, sorry i missed that in your post last night i was half asleep when i replied :lol:

Same happened to me. I trickled for 36 hours before labour started and I was 33+5 weeks. I was told it was wee and sent home but when I kept on trickling water I went back and demanded to be seen. They gave me the steroids for the baby's lungs as Sami said and my waters went completely soon after. I'd contact them again just in case.

Good luck :D
Thanks Louise, im gonna hold on and see what the consultant says this afternoon, though im not holding my hopes up of getting much sense from him - i dont normally :roll: Depending on what happens this afternoon if you dont hear from me by this evening you know where i am :lol:
Good luck for this afternoon bubble. As the others have said - take a bag in case!! :shock: :lol: :lol:
oooo good luck 4 this afternoon hun :D :D like everyone said take a bag just in case and if we havent heard from you by tonight we will know something has happened :D ooo im so excited 4 you :dance:

you better not beat me haha just kidding! :lol: :lol:

good luck and i hope everything is ok :D

Good luck this afternoon hun!
Hope everything goes ok!
if they do keep me in il get my OH to come on and let you all know whats happening!

thanks for all the good lucks! i think i may need them, im starting to panic now :lol:
What time is you appointment bubble?

Good luck
oh no, you have most of the day to wait i used to hate that and the more you wanted it to hurry up the longer it seemed
coming on msn now :lol:

i wish the time would hurry up i really do why does it drag on forever when you are waiting for something :lol:
i can bore you by chatting about crap again! :D :D
I have got the hang of my grill!
Any news on your washing machine?
Ring them now!
And shout LOUD!
let the hormones rip on them! :lol: :lol:

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