Waters breaking


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2011
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I know for most people, the waters don't break until u r well into your labour but if they break without warning, do u need to get to hospital urgently??

I'm only asking because I haven't packed my hospital bag yet. I am purposely leaving it until my labour starts so I hav something to occupy myself with but mil told me off and said that if my waters go then I need to go to hospital immediately???

Any advice would b great.

Thanks x
When your waters break you need to call your midwife. She will either send you to the hospital or come to your home and assess you. Baby will be fine for a little while but you'll probably be sent to be monitored and possibly induced as baby is more likely to catch an infectionwithout waters surrounding it. Hope this helps :)
My waters broke at my doctor's office and I was sent right to the hospitalto be assesses. There was meconium in the water so ended up staying and being induced right away. I am in Canada so it may be different here.
It's a good idea to get to hospital if your waters go and certainly if you have strep B or your baby is breech pedal to the metal :)
So I had better pack my hospital bag now just incase lol? X
It's not just waters going, some women just go straight into full labour and I don't think I would want to be doing my bag then lol. One here was really quick recently, labour birth and home in less than 10 hours :shock:
Most people I know who's waters have broken it has not been an emergency. They have been advised by MW to come in & be checked & then most have been sent home until labour kicks in.
Unless you have polyhydramnios (excess fluid) like me, & then it's a medical emergency as the large amounts of fluid could cause umbilical cord to thrust down & babies head to compress it, putting baby in danger.
Otherwise just make sure you have spare pants & a pad with you - just in case!!! Xxx
And hospital bag packed... Just in case ;) xxx
I was told that once waters go my hospital likes bubs to be out within 24hrs so as to reduce chance of infection.....

Good idea to pack your bag :)

I was told that once waters go my hospital likes bubs to be out within 24hrs so as to reduce chance of infection.....

Good idea to pack your bag :)


In mine you got antibiotics to keep bubs safe but they carried labour on ( or would speed it up)


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