Waters are broken :)

Just the same here ladies! Hoping midwife shows up soon. Yeah the whole 96 hrs thing! They've even booked me in for induction on Sunday at 9am just incase!!!! That's 4 days!!!
I don't like the fact that my waters are pinkish. But I was told when I called earlier that that was normal.

Omg omg omg!! I think I just actually weed!! Why does it have to happen on my one super busy day?! Good luck hun!xxx
Ace one!!!!!!!

If the contractions have started already, that's a good thing - keep moving if you can and eat small and often, if you can.

Good luck!
Don worry, mine were pink. Apparently it mixes up with your show x
Yay!! So excited for you Pinky! Good luck! x
Yah! Finally happening for you honey :) I was wondering last night whether anything had started for you yet and it has!
At last, you're soon going to be giving baby Emily big cuddles.
oh yay! good luck Helen! so excited for you :) hope it's nice and quick for you. I will be checking here all day now.
Oh my god, I really am so excited for u! Good luck pinky xxxx
Aw thats wonderful news hunni. Hope its an easy and very quick labour for you. Bet you cant wait to have your little bundle of joy in your arms...... and it wont be long now :)

Amy xx
Not sure if she will be back on now ..... gonna start her labour watch thread in Labour and birth :-)
OMG, i thought about you this morning too, weird! Good luck hun...make sure they don't make you stay at home too long seen as your waters have broke. xxx
come on baby Emily,the world is waiting for you !! good luck Pinkymum,hope it goes nice and smooth for you XX
Yuppie... Goo pinky! I swear I have this feeling since yesterday you'll go into labour and wanna make a thread to tell you how scary isnt it? looolz... Will start soon just make sure you know you breathing technique...inhale and exhale through your teeth and also keep on standing and walk a bit to fast the process that's my mum said..Go on baby..Just do you grant entry now for us lol>
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Oh holy moly!! I am actually all EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :yay:!! Maybe baby will be born after 12 and that will be the Thursday Lucy predicted ;) All the luck in the world chick, I'm so glad she's on her way, will be thinking of you xoxox

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