

Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Whenever i speak to my mam on the phone she asks me if i am giving Thea cooled boiled water, she seems to think im the worst mother ever because im not.

Thea feeds well every 2 - 3 hours (we have the breast feeding thing down now thank god and i seem to produce a good amount of milk). Thea doesnt seem to need anything else so i dont give it. Am i wrong? Should i be giving her water too? I dont want to hurt her by not giving it.

Sweetie you are not harming her by not giving it
It tends to be bottle fed babies that need more water as their milk doesn't quench their thirst

Where as your foremilk quenches her thirst befor the other milk starts filling her up

I'm more then certain i got that the right way round :D

Don't worry hun, things are done so differant now and she is only 2 weeks old

As far as i know breastfed moms are not suppost to do this because our breastmilk quenches their thirst and provides everything they need.
My dad would say the same thing to me and i just told him ot butt out...nicely of course
its bottle fed babies which need cooled boiled water, breastfed babies dont need it till they start to be weaned onto solids i think
my mums the same hun always saying have you done this or that ect
Hi Melanie

It's just as Jo says, breastfed babies get a drink from the foremilk then their meal from the hindmilk, hence why its so important to let the baby feed from one breast for as long as they like.

Even when you wean your baby your breastmilk is the best fluid for them and what I've found is that Olivia feeds for shorter periods during the day but longer first and last thing - I think this is her having more of her food from the solids and my milk as her drinks but first and last thing she's stocking up!


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