watching my friend in labour ohhhh no she scared me


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Right i have just dropped my friend, her mum and her boyfriend off at the labour ward and i couldn't get her out of the cra quick

This morning about 10.30am i got a call saying she had real bad backache and it was all round her front aswell, she popped into my mums who lives across the road from her and asked her to check her blood pressure (mums a nurse) my mum could tell straight away she was in labour and started to time the contractions for her. Anyway by the time i arrived my mum had took over playing nurse and got her in the bath having a nice

From then to now, i have just watched her get worse and worse, she was rolling all around the floor for an hour in pain, so she told me she wanted to be taken in and to call her mum and boyfriend.
I just took her and shes called to say she is only 2CM dilated, OMG i would have thought she was ready to have him, shes now pacing the hospital ward trying to grin and bear it....... poor sod. Anyway thats how my day as been, i am now freaked out by labour once again.
Isn't it funny how, even if we have been there before, we still forget just how much it really hurts :shock:

Good luck to your friend :hug:
Awwww :hug:

Just remember everyone has a different pain threshold and also different ways of dealing with pain. Some work with it, others fight against it and tense up. Working with it usually makes things that bit easier.

Also her baby may be lying in a not ideal birthing position or something.

How you prepare for this labour will be different from hers and chances are a very different experience also. No two women are the same.

Still scary I can imagine but try not to dwell on it too much.
i know exactly how your feeling because i am terrified of giving birth but i think its best not to think about it too much, and remember you have antenatal classes to help prepare for birth. also you could ask your midwife if you can have a look around a labour ward as this might reassure you and make you feel better, some hospitals do allow it. hope this helps and don't worry too much. take care :hug:
Oh yikes - you're scared and have already been thru it once...I have no hope :shock: :lol:
I'm only this scared because i have forgot what it felt like up until
AH hun
im sure it will all be fine and like the first time you'll forget about the pain once you have you little one in your arms.
im scared too but imtrying to prepare myself the best i can.

hope you friend is ok now

:hug: :hug: sarah :wave:
i guess its just a scary process where your body takes over and yeah you just have to go with it.

im going to try and think the whole way through that at the end of it i will get a beautiful baby! MY beautiful baby... i hope thats enough to make me a bit more sensible!lol
Midna (I am sure) once gave some very short and I believe unintentional advice on here before she had seed, it stuck in my mind and I think of it everytime I start worrying...a very common phase:

'No pain, no gain'

I'm sticking to those old but wise words. I know it will be painful but what a wonderful reward we will all receive in the end :wink:
There was a lady on the labour ward when I was admitted and she sounds just like your friend and she was 2cm dilated too, and I found it odd myself as I was fine and was 7cm dilated, but ALL labours are different and the more you fear it or believe it hurts, the more it will, relaxing and breathing will keep things less uncomfortable.

Like Sherlock said, our thresholds are all different and LO's position and how tired Mummy is and so much more all factor, plus the move from home to hospital can be a bit scary as you and your body need to re-adjust.

I'm sure she will be absolutely fine, and whatever you feel it is for your baby and there is always the option of intervention, so as scary as it may seem, it will be fine, your friend will have such a wonderful result real soon :cheer: :hug: :cheer: I do hope you're feeling a lot better about it all now though MissSara :hug: I'm sure your being there and your MUm too, helped her no end :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no!!! I don't know what is worse, not knowing what to expect, or knowing!!!! I'm pretty scared to be honest, but am trying not to think about it too much at the moment.

Everyone is different though; Miss Sara, my 2nd labour was most definitely quicker than my first! I was more relaxed, didn't go into hospital until much later on, and was more successful with my breathing - it was far far better!!!

All the best for your friend.
Was it her 1st baby?
2nd babies are usually MUCH quicker.

With DS1 I was in labour 14 hours, and HATED it.
With DS2 I had no idea I was in labour at all! No pains, Nothing.
My waters suddenly burst at night and I was 6cm 10 minutes later whe nI got to hospital. The whole thign was 5 hours and SO much LESS painful than the 1st.

you'll be fine! :D Its amazing how you forget, but your body knows exactly how to deal with it. Also everyone has different pain thresh holds. Maybe your friend had a low thresh hold?
She had her baby at 10.30 am this morning, she has phoned and asked if i would like to go and see her before i go to my scan as its only next door, i'm over the moon i cant wait to see him.
Hi Miss Sara,

Congratulations to your friend - really glad it's all over for her and she's got a lovely baby.

Inkpen, I hope my 3rd labour is like yours!!!! 2nd was 7 hours but the end was big ouch as I'd had a c/section first time (after about 24hrs of labour, huh!!!)
DaisyRose said:
Hi Miss Sara,

Congratulations to your friend - really glad it's all over for her and she's got a lovely baby.

Inkpen, I hope my 3rd labour is like yours!!!! 2nd was 7 hours but the end was big ouch as I'd had a c/section first time (after about 24hrs of labour, huh!!!)

3rd Babies are meant to mess you around :( I am really hoping not. Im not looking forward to this labour at all, even though im probably having a section. (but no firm descision until 36 weeks) Im not sure I could cope like my 1st one was again.
Fingers crossed Yours goes very easily for you DaisyRose!
Hi Inkpen,

I hope these 3rd babies behave for us (I think I've heard that somewhere before). They're happy for me to have a natural again but after the first time, I'm always thinking there's a possibility I may have to have a section again.

I hope your birth goes smoothly too - when are you due in July? I'm the 3rd.
DaisyRose, Im due July 3rd too! :lol: I should be 13th July, (by LMP) but the baby was measuring large so my dates moved to the 3rd!

Fingers crossed they dont mess us around! And you dont need another section.
I saw my friend high on gas and air - im focusing on that!

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