does it run in your family?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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So my mum reacon i will be 2 weeks overdue, chaz thinks 3 days overdue and i think 12 days overdue..
Today i spoke to my mum, and i asked her if she went overdue and she said she was early with all 4 of us!!! I was earliest by 16 days but we where all early about 1-2 weeks!
So does it run in your family? My sister was 2 days late tho, but from first feeling it took her 5 hours to hold her little boy in her arms.. and my mum was in labour 10 hours with all of us, is that anything that can run in the family aswell? :dance:
I dont think it does run in familys, but Im not overly sure on that. But my mum was 4 weeks early with my sister (but she first started labour at 32 weeks but they managed to stop it) then she was 1 day overdue with me.

Im now 4 days off my due date so this ones not going to be early lol. Im not sure about labours. All my family, grans, mum, cousins ect, have all had quick labours with minimal fuss so Im hoping that runs in familys but it could just be wishful thinking!
i think its more to do with your build and size of pelvis etc with what sort of labour you have but not sure about the early late thing xx
My mam had both me and my brother early and very fast labour. Me, well i went 11 days over with my first, 36 hour labour. 6 days over with my second, 15 hour labour and 9 days early with my third, 49 and a half hour labour!! My labour times were from first contraction tho. With the last 2 kids established labour was only 4 hours and 2 pushes. So my labours and delivery times were nothing like my mams xx
i went ten days over with my dd but and i was about same when my mum had me so i will see with this one
I was 2 and a half weeks early and 2nd child so fingers crossed it does run in the family! Laceys labour was only 6 hours long too so I'm hoping it's true and they get quicker!
I spoke to my midwife about this and she said absolutey not. It is a completely individual thing. Its upto baby when they want to come out.
I think weight of baby might depend on what the parents were. But as far as early or late, no. My mum was 6 days late with me and I'm not sure about my brothers but both my boys were early.

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