Was Ever Pregnant???


New Member
Aug 4, 2006
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Hello mates,

I have a question, I have googled around a lot to dig out its answer but there was no success.

Is there any possible way to find out that a lady was ever pregnant in her life. Like there may be some kind of spots on belly or what else, I mean realted to physical examination of the body.

Or if there is some medical test which can be performed to find out if lady was ever pregnant.

ps: No matter it was later on ended up on an abortion or child birth.

Thanks so much for your help in advance.
what a strange question.
Yes im sure there is a way of finding out if a woman has ever ben pregnant in her life but it would depend on how pregnant she became before a miscarriage/ termination or whatever.

ofcourse there is no way of telling by looking at a woman if she has ever been pregnant but i think physical examinatinon and how a subsequent labout pregresses COULD show if the woman has ever been through labour before.
thanks for your help.

But still I am no where to find its exact answer. Can you name any particular test which should be carried out to find out about any past pregnancy.

Or what exactly the physically examination should be to find it out.

Please elaborate a bit more.

im sure if ascan of the uterus was carried out then it would be possible to know whether there has ever been a pregnancy in that uterus as the lining will be different. But im not sure if this is changed only in recent pregnancy.

im not very clued up on this as you can probably gather. its not a question ive ever thought about really.
strange question....... :?

Theres a test doctors do, dont ask me how they know but if the push down in the right place they can tell if a woman has ever been pregnant.

we did it in high school at some point, the details are a bit hazey sorry.

Can I ask why you want to know?
You dont have to say, im just being nosey.
anon_pk said:
Hello mates,

Is there any possible way to find out that a lady was ever pregnant in her life.

Ummm why? I'm taking a wild guess in that youre male and you want to find out if a partner has ever been pregnant? A woman has a right to privacy and if she has and chooses not to share that with you then thats her perogative however not a basis for a trusting relationship.

Sorry but I'm really not happy with what I think your motives are in asking this question unless you explain.

I dunno if or how you can tell , why you ask?
Yeah but nothing you can do...you didnt seriously think you could just prod around and find out did you?

And if someone dosnt want to tell you then what are you going to do?

And i doubt a clinic would take the time to do such a test to find out anyway.
I'm pretty sure there is a test as wasn't there a case years ago when a woman abducted a baby, pretended it was hers and then went into hospital for some reason or another and they could tell she'd never carried a baby?

How do you know this person is a man? Could be a pg woman wondering if she'd be found out if she got rid of her baby?
well i had a suspected miscarriage at 16 and i had problems with my ovaries and cysts when i was 18 and the sonographer said that i had defo been pregnant in the past as the lining of my womb showed i had previously had a pregnancy. hope this helps x
Yeah, i find this a strange question too.. if you could tell us the reason why then we will do all we can to help you.
Think you've scared the person off - some of the replies were a bit harsh.
Difficult to answer things like that untill you have the full story.
it was abit blatent though...why put no reason? and why put could you know if a lady was ever pregnant, if it was about her?

And if he/she had nothing to hide or wasnt doing anything wrong, then why be scared off by the replies?
blatantly a bloke being paranoid and nosy!! The wording gave it away!
exactly jaycee!

And i dont know why its at the top :think:

*ehem* :rotfl: right lets let it drop back down into its rightful position now lol

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