Was at the fertility clinic and......


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
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Well I got someone new this time, and wow it made a difference. She re went over everything explained to me in my last visit and went over what would happen now.

Basically in my previous appointment I got a Day 19 and 21 blood test and my partner was given a semen analysis which showed nothing abnormal! I was also given an ultrasound.

This time I was given an oral scan, where a probe is put inside you, and i could see this months egg sitting up there waiting to be releasesd and its my right ovary thats releasing this month!!!! She said my womb and cervix looked fine. My ovaries were a slightly different shape but this is 100% usual for ppl whose cycles fluctuate between 26-31 days.

Anyway on May 22nd am getting an HCG? Has anyone had this done before? Its where you cant have sex after ur last period until this is done. Ink is released inside to show up your fallopian tubes on an x-ray? Would love to hear from anyone whose had this done to let me know all about it. Anyway if this shows nothing abnormal.... The last thing they do is keyhole (cant remember the proper term she used), where they make a slit just beneat the belly button and put a camera inside so they can check my tubes and womb in great detail.

Anyway I then seen the counceller and my fertility doctor, who advised me that after the key hole and HCG there is nothing they can do. They will label me as unexplained infertility. They said this is what happens to everyone once they go through all there tests as there is nothing they can give me to suddently make me concieve.

The great thing is my hospital let you have 3 goes of IVF on the NHS.... if my key hole and HCG bring up nothing, il be put on the register for IVF, which is currently a 2yr waiting list on the NHS. HOwever she told me that I wont go on the list until September 2008. The NHS have now made it official that you must be ttc naturally for 3 years before you will be considered for IVF so technically it will September 2010 before I recieve IVF!!!! Il be 27!!!!

I am so glad I have started ttc at my age, I dont think i could deal with all this if I was in my late 20s /early 30s and my heart really goes out to the women who are in there early 30s.

My fertility doctor also said they can freeze up to 6 of my eggs whenever I choose, but she said to do it very soon, as the older i get the quality of my eggs being produced are less. So I am going to be all prepared and I think il freeze my eggs near the end of this year.


Which is a great relief she also told me that am healthy and they cant see any problems why i cant concieve and to be patient, she was telling me how many people she sees and then few years later all out of the blue they become pregnant. Which has certainly put my mind at rest.

I was extremely concerned about going to the fertility clinic as i thought it would put my emotions and thoughts about TTC and becoming pregnant on a downward spiral, but its done the very opposite! I feel alot more hopeful and positive.

Good Luck Everyone. Im now at 19 months TTC but am more positive than I have ever been!!!!
Im wating for a referal for an HCG to come through myself, should be waiting about 3 months for an appointment apparantly :roll:

I was also told that if it showed up problems I would then be referred to a fertility expert, but if it showed everything is normal than I will also be put down as unexplained infertility, and be offered IUI.

It seems you are getting a lot higher standard of care than I am, but guess its a postcode lottery with these things!

Good luck and please let me know how it goes! :hug:
good luck darlin and good luck to you too GGG

lots of love to both of you :hug: :hug:
glitzyglamgirl said:
It seems you are getting a lot higher standard of care than I am, but guess its a postcode lottery with these things!

Unfortunatly GGG that is the case, its all to do with where you stay. My fertility doctor said i was very luck i stayed in aberdeen, as aberdeen hospital offer 3 shots of IVF on the NHS. Most hospitals will only give you one shot on the NHS, and it is to do with postcode and demand.

My last fertility doctor was good, but nowhere near as good as my new doctor and the nurse I got today, they were fantastic, esp the nurse who showed me what everything was on the screen and the shapes etc. SO good, she even told me 2 books to buy that would explain all the procedures and what i could do to change my life style.

Also GGG its a month waiting list at Aberdeen infirmary for HCG and Keyhole.

Good luck to all.

I had to have a hsg earlier his year. I got really worked up about it after doing 'research' on the internet!! It was nothing like i expected or read about, it was really quick and simple and didn't hurt at all. I had a really nice doctor so i think that helped.

If you have any questions, just ask!!

Michelle x
lainey said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
It seems you are getting a lot higher standard of care than I am, but guess its a postcode lottery with these things!

Unfortunatly GGG that is the case, its all to do with where you stay. My fertility doctor said i was very luck i stayed in aberdeen, as aberdeen hospital offer 3 shots of IVF on the NHS. Most hospitals will only give you one shot on the NHS, and it is to do with postcode and demand.

My last fertility doctor was good, but nowhere near as good as my new doctor and the nurse I got today, they were fantastic, esp the nurse who showed me what everything was on the screen and the shapes etc. SO good, she even told me 2 books to buy that would explain all the procedures and what i could do to change my life style.

Also GGG its a month waiting list at Aberdeen infirmary for HCG and Keyhole.

Good luck to all.

LOL well where I am ive seen 3 different GP's at my local surgery, none of them know much about fertility, ive had to go in each time armed with info and tell THEM what the next step is.....never been referred to a clinic or anything...that will happen if HCG comes back abnormal apparently, I have no idea what the waiting list is for IUI but guess we'll just keep trying and not worrying about it too much in the meantime.

Hey, can we move in with you in Aberdeen :rotfl:
Glad you're feeling positive Lainey.

Good luck to both of you.
hey lainey, glad to hear things are going well for you and that you finally feel like you are making progress. 3 goes at IVF is great!! you'll still be younger than me when you get to the top of that waiting list so no worries there!

GGG sorry things seem to be so disorganised for you....hope you get a helpful doctor who knows what they are talking about soon!

Me and DH have also just started having fertility tests done (not been trying particularly long, but there are reasons - long story)....waiting for him to drop his sperm off at the lab (btw the way how did you find the "it must be between 2 and 7 days since you last BD'd" rule....driving me crazy). Doc said he wouldn't do mine until he had hubbys result back....seems a waste of time really....why not just do them all at once and get it out the way....oh well. anyway it'll be interesting hearing how you both get on and comparing it to what service we get!

Goodluck xxxx :hug:
Thats great news lainey :hug: . Hope you get it sorted out soon.
Shall we all move to Aberdeen en mass???
Chellie-glad your getting sorted too. When my OH had his tests done we BD 2 days before but it wasn't too bad cos we can go for a week without BDing . Hope he gets his reults back soon so you can start with yours. They always do the man first cos if there is anything wrong with him there wouldn't be much point giving you fertility drugs, if you know what I mean.

Good luck everyone :hug:
surely they'll have to test me aswell though no matter what his result is.....if its normal then they'll have to test me to see if i'm the problem, if its abnormal they'll have to test me anyway to check theres not a problem with both of us, and to work out what treatment options might be available.

anyhoo.....hubbys samples in so just waiting on result.....hopefully in the next week or so xx
Hey Chellie that was same as me the doctor asked to test OH first as men only have one test!!!!!

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