Well I got someone new this time, and wow it made a difference. She re went over everything explained to me in my last visit and went over what would happen now.
Basically in my previous appointment I got a Day 19 and 21 blood test and my partner was given a semen analysis which showed nothing abnormal! I was also given an ultrasound.
This time I was given an oral scan, where a probe is put inside you, and i could see this months egg sitting up there waiting to be releasesd and its my right ovary thats releasing this month!!!! She said my womb and cervix looked fine. My ovaries were a slightly different shape but this is 100% usual for ppl whose cycles fluctuate between 26-31 days.
Anyway on May 22nd am getting an HCG? Has anyone had this done before? Its where you cant have sex after ur last period until this is done. Ink is released inside to show up your fallopian tubes on an x-ray? Would love to hear from anyone whose had this done to let me know all about it. Anyway if this shows nothing abnormal.... The last thing they do is keyhole (cant remember the proper term she used), where they make a slit just beneat the belly button and put a camera inside so they can check my tubes and womb in great detail.
Anyway I then seen the counceller and my fertility doctor, who advised me that after the key hole and HCG there is nothing they can do. They will label me as unexplained infertility. They said this is what happens to everyone once they go through all there tests as there is nothing they can give me to suddently make me concieve.
The great thing is my hospital let you have 3 goes of IVF on the NHS.... if my key hole and HCG bring up nothing, il be put on the register for IVF, which is currently a 2yr waiting list on the NHS. HOwever she told me that I wont go on the list until September 2008. The NHS have now made it official that you must be ttc naturally for 3 years before you will be considered for IVF so technically it will September 2010 before I recieve IVF!!!! Il be 27!!!!
I am so glad I have started ttc at my age, I dont think i could deal with all this if I was in my late 20s /early 30s and my heart really goes out to the women who are in there early 30s.
My fertility doctor also said they can freeze up to 6 of my eggs whenever I choose, but she said to do it very soon, as the older i get the quality of my eggs being produced are less. So I am going to be all prepared and I think il freeze my eggs near the end of this year.
Which is a great relief she also told me that am healthy and they cant see any problems why i cant concieve and to be patient, she was telling me how many people she sees and then few years later all out of the blue they become pregnant. Which has certainly put my mind at rest.
I was extremely concerned about going to the fertility clinic as i thought it would put my emotions and thoughts about TTC and becoming pregnant on a downward spiral, but its done the very opposite! I feel alot more hopeful and positive.
Good Luck Everyone. Im now at 19 months TTC but am more positive than I have ever been!!!!
Basically in my previous appointment I got a Day 19 and 21 blood test and my partner was given a semen analysis which showed nothing abnormal! I was also given an ultrasound.
This time I was given an oral scan, where a probe is put inside you, and i could see this months egg sitting up there waiting to be releasesd and its my right ovary thats releasing this month!!!! She said my womb and cervix looked fine. My ovaries were a slightly different shape but this is 100% usual for ppl whose cycles fluctuate between 26-31 days.
Anyway on May 22nd am getting an HCG? Has anyone had this done before? Its where you cant have sex after ur last period until this is done. Ink is released inside to show up your fallopian tubes on an x-ray? Would love to hear from anyone whose had this done to let me know all about it. Anyway if this shows nothing abnormal.... The last thing they do is keyhole (cant remember the proper term she used), where they make a slit just beneat the belly button and put a camera inside so they can check my tubes and womb in great detail.
Anyway I then seen the counceller and my fertility doctor, who advised me that after the key hole and HCG there is nothing they can do. They will label me as unexplained infertility. They said this is what happens to everyone once they go through all there tests as there is nothing they can give me to suddently make me concieve.
The great thing is my hospital let you have 3 goes of IVF on the NHS.... if my key hole and HCG bring up nothing, il be put on the register for IVF, which is currently a 2yr waiting list on the NHS. HOwever she told me that I wont go on the list until September 2008. The NHS have now made it official that you must be ttc naturally for 3 years before you will be considered for IVF so technically it will September 2010 before I recieve IVF!!!! Il be 27!!!!
I am so glad I have started ttc at my age, I dont think i could deal with all this if I was in my late 20s /early 30s and my heart really goes out to the women who are in there early 30s.
My fertility doctor also said they can freeze up to 6 of my eggs whenever I choose, but she said to do it very soon, as the older i get the quality of my eggs being produced are less. So I am going to be all prepared and I think il freeze my eggs near the end of this year.
Which is a great relief she also told me that am healthy and they cant see any problems why i cant concieve and to be patient, she was telling me how many people she sees and then few years later all out of the blue they become pregnant. Which has certainly put my mind at rest.
I was extremely concerned about going to the fertility clinic as i thought it would put my emotions and thoughts about TTC and becoming pregnant on a downward spiral, but its done the very opposite! I feel alot more hopeful and positive.
Good Luck Everyone. Im now at 19 months TTC but am more positive than I have ever been!!!!