warning!!! disturbing :( (animals)


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
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its the world vegetarian week soon (19-25 May) and was looking about on internet at PETA as i wanna do the 7 day vege pledge and come across this...


:shock: :shock: :shock: omg i know some of the animal cruelty videos are gruesome but thats just.... ( i dont even know how to discribe it) :cry: :cry:

Im thinking I would like to be vege for ever, any one else become vege out of the blue like this, how did u find it?
OMG hun, I actually watched that video a couple of years ago and I honestly couldn't sleep for a week later :cry:
could only watch first 5 secs of that :shock:
Im not even gunna attempt to watch it, sounds really bad :(
is it the one where they skin live dogs?

i saw that on facebook, and joined up for the group that petitions against it.
They skin a racoon dog alive, the description in the link is the one I watched :cry: . I've heard about the one with the alsation dog but no way could I watch it :cry:

Honestly if anyone wears real fur you never know what it is your wearing, it could easily be a dog or cat :(
I have never and will never wear fur - suede and leather I can deal with as its a by-product of an already established market where the animals are not killed for their skin, but fur is just wrong and a prime of example of that is that video :cry:
I am not going to watch it as i am fully aware of what happens,

If you look on the PETA website you can also find out what horrible things animals have to go through in order for many many of our household products even dog and cat food to get on the retail market

I have tried my best not to use anything tested on animals since the day i took a look, even my dog food! All the babies things will be not tested on animals either

It is so sad thinking i love my pets so much and then there is some poor animal destined to a life of torture, loneliness and terror

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Im not going to watch it. From what you have said its awful.

I do not wear fur either and will never entertain the idea, ike GGG leather is the by product where animals are killed for meat etc.

:puke: :puke: :puke:
:cry: those sick b*****ds should be skinned alive! :cry:
i think i will go veggie permanantly!!
I couldnt watch the video, was too scared because cruelty to animals gives me nightmares :? I have never and will never wear fur, those poor animals :cry:
this is a subject that i am very passionate about and know alot about.

ive been veggie since i was 14 when i didnt really know what i was being veggie for, but then decided to look into it and then had a reason for being veggie. that was 6 years ago now. Ever since i have read countless books on animal rights and animal liberation. i have also found that the best way to 'convert' others to vegetarianism/veganism is not by preeching but by simply living it and letting others come to you.

If you see a cat or a dog as having thoughts feelings or emotions, why are these qualities void with respects to chickens, cows, pigs and sheep?

its hard knowing what i know about the factory farming/food industry that i sometimes wish i didnt know everything i knew about it. but i guess i cant unknow it now!

At first when i was veggie i thought that that was enough to 'save' the animals and that i was 'doing my bit' for them. i thought the animal liberation front and veganism was wayy too ludicrus and hippified for me to ever understand or 'believe' it.

But once you start looking into the reason that one becomes a vegetarian and if it is because of animal welfare issues then it becomes undeniable that if you are abstaining from eating meat for the 'animals sake' you HAVE to stop consuming diary and eggs too.

i became a vegan at 18, once i found out i was pregnant, although i was fully confident that i could sustain myself and be healthy, i wasnt ready for the critisism and disaproval that i would face from my peers and professionals with regards to my unborn child. so i decided to start consuming dairy again.

PETA is an organisation that i would not be a part of (or belive any information from ), as much of its work is contradictory and misinformed. i can find links etc if anyone is intrested.
they use sexual exploitation as a way to get across that eating animals is wrong. sexism is JUST as wrong.

anyhoo i'll shut up now. :oops:

topics of intrest if anyone wants to find out more:

Books i couldnt have done without:(bit indepth and heavy)
Empty Cages by Tom Regan
Animal Liberation by Peter Singer

intresting websites:(nice and tame to get you started)
http://www.yellins.com/veg/why_become_v ... asons.html
http://www.weightlossresources.co.uk/di ... tarian.htm

good videos to watch online(hard to watch but honest)
Meat is murder
Peaceable Kingdom

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