Want VBAC but being persuaded to have c-section - advice please

Duckie D

Jul 23, 2016
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Hi, I'm Hi, I'm new here so sorry if this is not the correct place to post question.

I'm 34 weeks + 2. Have a toddler 2 and half who was induced after my waters broke 11days overdue and there was meconium. After 29 hours labour and being on the drip, had to have emergency c section as baby had turned in funny position even though I got to 9cm. C section fine but very exhausted after. Took weeks to heal, had 3 rounds of antibiotics as scar was infected.

This time round my consultant is pushing me to have an elective c section. I want a VBAC. My notes from previous section says I can have a VBAC. But reasons consultant says to have elective, is I'm 41, more overweight than is ideal, and baby's head not engaged (this was checked at 33 weeks, which for second baby I thought was early to engage anyway).

My midwife says not to feel pressurised to have section, but feel I have to make a decision soon and don't want to go against advice but advice is conflicting. But I really want to try for natural birth.

I have another app when I'm 36 +5 and having a scan. Then consultant said we would decide!! I'm going to try going swimming and do exercise ball to try to get head engaged.

I'm also on clexane injections daily due to previous PE ( blood clot in 2008).

I'm just confused, upset and feel I'm not in control of what I would like but I am also trying to heed advice. Consultant goes on hols for 3 weeks during my due date so part of me (paranoid) feels she's trying to go for easiest option and tie up loose ends. Sounds awful to say that because she is really good mostly but very pro sections.

Any advice welcome? Has anyone else had these experiences.

Thank you x
Not had the experiences, but my personal opinion is you shouldn't be forced into anything,
Maybe you could agree to it on your terms such as ... You would rather attempt the vbac if baby positions themselves correctly and your pregnancy progresses that way, however, if baby hasn't positioned itself by a certain date of your choice then you will have the section. But if you go into labour before section you still want the option of having the vbac.

I hope that makes sense x
I'm in a similar situation to you in that my first was born by ecs so I can chose delivery method this time. I'm 33 weeks now and not seen a consultant yet my appointment is at 36 weeks. My midwife has been great no pressure at all either way not sure if consultant will try and push a certain direction. Midwife did say that consultants usually prefer sections as its booked in and controlled. She also said I don't have to decide what I want until I walk through the doors when I'm in labour. They can't do anything without your permission so if you're sure you want vbac and there are no risks to you or baby just stick to your guns. Good luck with it. I think I'm going to book section but if I go in to labour before that date I'll go for vbac.
I don't see it being a problem, as long as baby cooperates - many ladies have a vbac delivery.

I'm the opposite I had vaginal delivery with my first and I'm pushing for a section this time .... My vaginal delivery was fab, however as I'm having twins the last thing I want is to deliver one and section the other, plus they are both in the worst position ever (footling breech) yet my consultant was doing everything but listening to my request. I'm almost 33 weeks, I don't think they will miraculously turn around with the insufficient space they have. And she kept telling me I need to try vaginal delivery ... Which I really don't object to ... Then her next sentence was "we won't attempt vaginal delivery if they haven't moved".

It's all your choice and they cannot force you into anything you don't want to do. Keep bringing it up at your appointments and like I said previously tell them that you will have the section if for any unforeseen reason vbac doesn't work. At the end of the day if baby is head down, fully engaged and there are no complications then go for it :) x
Thank you both for your replies. I think it's a good idea to have set times already in my mind that I will have section if baby not cooperating. That's great advice. Just worried she wants me to make decision at 36 weeks and I feel that's too early. It varies so much what advice you get. It's great to have a good midwife too advising. I'll speak to mine as I see her before the consultant so that I can get her opinion.

My friend who is 39 said its now hospital policy not to let older mums go over their due date. That feels wrong to me in in that I'm sure a lot of dating scans are not perfectly accurate.

I think I need to make my own plan as you both say and then give myself time to make choice after 36 week scan. My fear is if I go for what I want then I could be harming/risking baby. It's scary making decisions like this. X X X
As long as you have your sensible head on - even in labour - and you are going for a vbac and they suggest something, then take their advice. I'm sure you are sensible to know that. My obstetrician told me that even in life and death situations they cannot force you to do things, they can only advise. I'm pushing for a section anyway as its inevitable, but follow your heart and if everything fits into place then go for it :) x
I'd have c section too if it were twins. Seems to be the first option here in Notts for a few people I know who've had twins.

My due date is 1st sept so plan to say I'll have elective on 5th sept or after and get one booked in.

Although, consultant is suggesting 24th August.

Thanks for all your support - really helps to discuss worries. X
Its easy to say to follow the expert advice but when 'expert' advice is conflicting and sometimes based on rather flimsy reasoning you really do have to decide what is best for yourself. When it comes down to it no one can say for sure before hand what is the best choice all you can do is see the choices you have and weigh the benefits and risks. No one cares more about your own health and LOs than you do so if you make sure you are informed you are the best person to decide. Maybe break down the reasons for recommending a repeat CS and do a bit of research on each point. If you decide to go for the CS make sure its for reasons you are happy with not because you are feeling pushed into it. You definitely dont want your birth to be decided by hospital policy and doctors holidays. And holidays might have nothing to do with your docs recommendations but it does happen so sometimes its worth to be a little paranoid :).

Its funny how different things are in different places. I have a friend who is due soon and is getting pressure to try for a natural birth after having had two sections already. She is feeling rather conflicted about it.
I'd have c section too if it were twins. Seems to be the first option here in Notts for a few people I know who've had twins.

My due date is 1st sept so plan to say I'll have elective on 5th sept or after and get one booked in.

Although, consultant is suggesting 24th August.

Thanks for all your support - really helps to discuss worries. X

Your welcome, I wanted vaginal delivery to be honest but it's not happening with their positions, so figured it's easier to just ask for the section :) plus it will hopefully be nice and civilised x

Its easy to say to follow the expert advice but when 'expert' advice is conflicting and sometimes based on rather flimsy reasoning you really do have to decide what is best for yourself. When it comes down to it no one can say for sure before hand what is the best choice all you can do is see the choices you have and weigh the benefits and risks. No one cares more about your own health and LOs than you do so if you make sure you are informed you are the best person to decide. Maybe break down the reasons for recommending a repeat CS and do a bit of research on each point. If you decide to go for the CS make sure its for reasons you are happy with not because you are feeling pushed into it. You definitely dont want your birth to be decided by hospital policy and doctors holidays. And holidays might have nothing to do with your docs recommendations but it does happen so sometimes its worth to be a little paranoid :).

Its funny how different things are in different places. I have a friend who is due soon and is getting pressure to try for a natural birth after having had two sections already. She is feeling rather conflicted about it.

It's not fair on people, as expectants we are already anxious about what could happen, they shouldn't be forcing us into things like they do, they should tell us the pros and cons of all options and let us make up our own minds x

I had a vbac after a emcs with my son. There were two years and 5 days between deliveries and I was allowed to choose what I wanted to do. I did get pressurised towards the end to have an induction due to growth concerns, but to be honest they were being so over zealous and were just spouting advice at me that had no sound reasoning, it was just because that was the way they did it and they didn't like me going against them (they wanted to give me a sweep at 38 weeks and I refused)

Anyway if you get a Chance I found a group on Facebook incredibly helpful for this,
It's called vbac support group uk - when you request you have to write why you would like to join and they normally message you back and asked a few more details before accepting. Loads of vbac ladies use it and some pro vbac professionals on there too
I had a emcs with my daughter in June 2014 and have been given the option of a planned one this time. I'm going for a vbac as I'd like a quicker recovery as I'll have a two year old to think about too. So far, they're being very supportive, although aren't keen on inducing as it increases chances of rupture? It's likely I'll have a planned csec if I go over by two weeks.. Fingers crossed we all get the births we'd like, but whatever happens it's all worth it in the end :) x
Sorry for my delay in replying. I thought I had notifications turned on for replies but don't think it's working.

Bunny, pumpkin and cherry thank you also for your input. I am already feeling more clear and confident from hearing all your advice. I will check out Facebook group too (hope it doesn't show up on my newsfeed though lol). All the conflicting advice is what makes it harder but I think it's great idea to get opinions then research then make my own decision. I'm definitely not deciding on the 36+5 day scan day. I am going to give myself time to think.

Also helpful to hear that really decisions are based on some facts but also the opinion of the medical professional. But again, no one knows the best decision and I agree I am the one most concerned over my health. I forget that. Lol. With toddler too, I want my recovery to be less lengthy.

Thanks again. I usually like to reply to each thread individually but on my phone I can't scroll back and my memory/brain has stopped working. I will keep re-reading all your advice and get prepared for next app. So glad I joined the forum.


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