waiting too long for booking in appointment


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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i finally got my booking in appointment on the 1 st august, i will be 13 weeks by then. i thought i would have been seen to sooner as i havent had the easiest of pregnancies with my 2 daughters i went into prem labour at 29 weeks it was stopped only to be induced at 36 weeks due to pre eclampsia, i had a twisted pelvis with my 2nd daughter and ended up on crouches for the last few months of the pregnancy. Inbetween times i have had 3 m/c therefor 3 d&c's sorry for moaning here but im so mad i was only told about the appointment because i phoned them, the receptionist was very abrupt on the phone and didnt let me voice my concerens, i wish i could afford to go private.
I got my booking appointment at 12 weeks. I felt it was a bit late as I had a difficult beginning to the pregnancy. Will you get your scan on the same day or will you have to wait for another appointment coming through? xx
Unfortunately I think this is beginning to become standard. In my area you don't see the midwife until you're 11- 15 weeks. My appointment is 8th August, when I will be 15 weeks. They seem to leave you alone for the whole of the first trimester, which is very disconcerting.
That does seem too long to wait... :(

In my area you get seen between 7-10 weeks for paperwork and blood and then go back at 12 weeks for MW to listen to baby's heart...

You don't get a 12 week scan as standard though which is rubbish...

This pregnancy I am being overseen by the hospital and consultant otherwise I would be paying for a private scan...
I had my booking appointment on Tuesday when I was 14+5 so it seems pretty standard to have them later although it must be worrying waiting with your previous complications :hug:
Gosh Claire, thats really bad IMO.

Even due to the MC I would have thought they would have been keeping an eye on you early on. Id be voiveing concerns when you see your MW.
I dont have mine until the last week of August by then i will be 12 weeks. Alot has changed since i had Isla the care then was excellent and now its appaling. :twisted:

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