Waiting to miscarry.... Completely devastated


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
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Been to early pregnancy unit for a scan should be 8weeks

They saw baby 7weeks 3days but no heartbeat and they said sack is collapsing so waiting to miscarry opted for the natural way.
So sorry went through exact same thing in Nov, natural mc didnt happen for me after a good 5/6 wks so opted for medical management and finally m/c 6th-7th dec.
Any questions please ask, will answer anything as over it all now x
Thanks Hun x

It's still all sinking in been a very emotional day. Didn't like the idea of being a day patient to have the tablet or surgical back at epu on the 16th if it hasn't happened by then may have to have the tablet as j don't want it lasting longer than needed.
Only found out I was pregnant 3 weeks ago and that was a massive shock as I had the implant in and I was still taking the pill.
Sorry for your loss.

I found out on new years eve when I should've been 11 weeks that baby had stopped growing at 6. I miscarried later that day.
Its been a week tmrrw and I'm still trying to process what's happened. Tmrrw should've been my 12 week scan but instead I'm being scanned to make sure there's nothing left. Dreading it.
I'm also feeling like I have no one to talk to and that I should be over it by now.

Feel free to contact me if you ever need to talk xx
I'm so sorry to hear this, :( my thoughts are with you
Give it time to happen naturally by all means but for reasons of sanity i needed it all over. I chose medical mgt, had 2 oral tablets 4/12/14 and went home, started bleeding a bit evening of 5/12/14 but seemed to stop overnight.
Went into hosp 10.30am 06/12 to receive further meds and be monitored. Around 11.15am had 4 pessaries inserted vaginally - by 1pm was bleeding very heavily and in pain to point where had to ask for strong painkillers.
They helped and i slept for 2 hrs.
Had to wee on a bedpan so nurse could check if i had passed foetus, never happened, doc saw me 8pm and said i had to stay in overnight.
Plan was for more meds and try again am. Woke at 8am, went to toilet for wee, no pain but felt something fall out, told nurse who checked and said it was whole fetus!
Traumatic but went home by midday, period pains and bleeding lasted 5 days but took 3 wks for preg tests to show neg!
So sorry to hear you have gotten this terrible news :-( Ive been through it twice now so I know all too well the utter shock you must be feeling. To be thinking all is ok then BAM, seconds later everything has changed. Its such a shock.
All I can say is that you will get through it. The process is horrible, but if you take your time to grieve, let nature take its course, you will eventually be able to move on and try again (if thats what you want)

Unfortunately is seems to be a common thing to happen, you are not alone. Everyone on here are such great support so ask all the questions you need
Take care xx
Been to hospital today as doctors have decided it would be better to have a medical/surgical miscarriage due to me being in blood thinners. Was asked about funeral arrangements I just assumed hospital sent it off didn't expect to be a burial/cremation. Was told hospital could do it or I could arrange a private one. It completely shocked me.
So sorry to hear you are going through this.

I had the d&c in July, couldn't deal with waiting for it to happen and they could get me in 2 days later.
It's over so quickly, I was really well looked after and home by 3pm the same day.

I got a leaflet about afterwards too, we opted for the hospital to take care of it. It had never entered my head that anything else would happen. It's nice to know everything is done in such a respectful way though.

Look after yourself, it gets easier.xx
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Yeah i got asked that too and it threw me especially as foetus died at 6wks, thought it was a but weird if i'm totally honest and told hosp to get rid of it.
I think its a bit inappropriate to have a burial for a collection of cells (no offence intended) but as upset as i was i wouldnt consider it a 'baby' that needed a burial!
I thought it was a bit weird too. I've asked hospital to get rid for me. I'm booked in for surgical removal on Monday. Be glad to get back to normal.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Are you being seen at QMC? I had a miscarriage in June and was dealt with there. I was booked in for surgical management but as I arrived things started happening naturally so they gave me a private room, I was there almost all day and the staff were lovely.

Are they re scanning you before any procedure? Just because I was booked for surgery then on the morning they said we need to rescan so many days after the original scan so I think they would have refused to do it anyway-someone had made a mistake somewhere.

With regards to the cremation, they asked if we wanted to be told when it was so we got a letter a couple of weeks after giving details and it said there would be a short service for all the babies lost. We didn't go, I still don't know if that was the right choice but at the time I felt it would cause more upset.

All the best for Monday x
I'm so sorry hun, It happened to me a few years ago , baby died at 9 plus weeks, I was scanned at 11 plus 5 and it didn't look right, ill never forget that screen image. I opted for surgical, andxwas told about the shared crem thing, i didn't want to go but I like the idea that I knew where it had gone incase I did want to go at some point, and that was done properly.

I ended up starting mc myself a few days later and it just wouldn't stop, so if it's too fast, too much blood do seek help hub, I ended up in a diff hosp ( that other one wouldn't take me before 7 am!, it was only 4 am!) and 2 blood transfusions and d&c at 7 am. Sadly as a diff hosp , after knowing what was happening to baby, they told me after that it was just randomly disposed off in the clinical rubbish.

Get some pads in, some paracetamol for painful cramps as uterus contracts to expel things, and some choc x take time off work, your stuck in limbo which will feel so wrong. Make sure you eat properly and drink lots, don't neglect yourself as you will get througth this. I felt better once it was over as I could process it better and move on.

Sending you a big hug, do keep talking about it on here, it really helped me deal with it x
Thanks ladies yes it was at the qmc all the staff that looked after me were brilliant.

My partner has been amazing too wouldn't leave my side bless him.

Surgical was best option in the end and I'm glad I can now move on and get back to normal. I'm not going to the service but have brought a special candle that I will light on that date x
So sorry for your loss hun.

I have been through a missed miscarriage too beginning september and its an experience I never want to go through ever again it was just devastating when we went for 12 week scan and got told baby had died at 9 weeks. I only found out when I was 8 weeks pregnant so technically a week and it was gone. I didnt want surgical option as too frightened and didnt want to wait naturally so had medical management. Not the most pleasant two days in hospital I have ever had (and I work in the same hospita where I was treated). Took me about 3 weeks like Carla81 to get a negative pregnancy test which only added to the hurt

First proper period arrived 23rd November and had another one since then and thought I had fallen pregnant but nope so all the emotions have came flooding back as I should have still be pregnant now

Take all the time you need for things to sink in dont rush it as i makes it even worse. Sending you lots of hugs hun xx
Thanks kaz. Hard to get head round nothing being there anymore. But I am lucky to already have 3 amazing children and 2 amazing step children x they keep me busy and my mind focused. My partner has been so great and put up with my moods going all over x
I had surgical removal and was told I would bleed for 2 weeks after but I've had nothing since day of removal. Still waiting for first period to come.
Even tho the pregnancy wasn't planned as I had the implant in my arm we have both decided we would like to try again when the time is right.
Glad your past the d&c bit now hun xx

I had my first af 26 days exactly after d&c day ( inc d&c day as day 1 of cycle)

I wish you lots of luck when you go again ttc xx
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