waa-waa got a new trick :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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no its not a good one! :(

i got it the very first time ever today, and she did it twice-

she was crying so as usual i picked her up and held her to my chest to comfort her, this until today had always chilled her out. but, not only did she turn her face away from me both ways when i tried to make eye contact, she also pushed her hands against my chest to get away! :(

my mum says all babies do it, its a phase- but im so gutted :cry:
Willow used to do the excate same thing but she is much more loving now then she has ever been, im sure it is just a fase but have a :hug:
Gabs used to do this too and I felt so hurt by it :(

She now comes running to me and has lots of hugs and cuddles into me when she is upset.

I definitely think it's a phase hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww dont worry hun, I'm sure its just a phase. Maddison is going through a stage where she hits me in the face when I try to kiss her :(
mia does this to me recently...she always punches me and scratches me lol...im sure it will fase...i know its upsetting though :hug:
Don't worry - you know she loves you lots xx
Yeah it's definately a phase! Harrison sometimes cries his eyes out, walks over to me as to give me a cuddle but when I go to give him one he'll push me away :cry:

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