how do i discipline a 1-yr-old?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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millie bit me, tried to gouge my eye but i pulled away so she settled for scratching my face and pulling my earring n hair instead! and she bit me, oh i said that already lol

all because she was on a mission and i picked her up coz we had to go!

i just calmly held her and looked away from her, is that what ur supposed to do? she wouldnt understand being scolded at this age would she? and i cant imagine she would understand time-out either :think:

is what i did all i can do?
I used to say no in a firm voice and then put her down and ignore her if she carried on being naughty. She hated being ignored. Whether this is effective or not I can't say as Seren can still be a complete sod most days.
yeah, we say NO! in very strong voice. And shake our head. She copies the shake of head and 9 times out of ten stops doing what she was doing.. We've been doing this for about 5 months tho, and its only in the last 2 shes paid much attention.
Be consistent but it is a very difficult age to discipline.

Even at Kai's age he totally ignores me and he knows what I am saying, just finds it funny to do the opposite of what I say. :x
When stephen was little i used to say no very firmly and put him down on the floor and ignore him if he carried on!
Again what everyone has said, I just say NO firmly and put him down which he hates. Most of the time it doesn't work though and then he just thinks it's funny :roll: Difficult age!
My cousin's wee one did something similar and she was advised by a friend to say "OW!" loudly and look upset (hard to do without laughing) and her LO got the message very quickly that the way to mummy's heart was not by biting her!
Yeah - Ruby gets a firm "NO" and my evil eye pmsl :twisted:
I read somewhere that biting at this age is a sign of affection, dont make a fuss about it or it could turn into a game for her... I cant remember where i saw it tho :think:
Tangerinedream said:
I read somewhere that biting at this age is a sign of affection, dont make a fuss about it or it could turn into a game for her... I cant remember where i saw it tho :think:

r you sure you arent thinking about cats? haha,
lauramumof2 said:
Tangerinedream said:
I read somewhere that biting at this age is a sign of affection, dont make a fuss about it or it could turn into a game for her... I cant remember where i saw it tho :think:

r you sure you arent thinking about cats? haha,


I have tried saying ow and crying he either doesnt care and walks off to play or just thinks it means im playing and carries on!

I say No thats naughty, then I go sit him in the room and say stay there because you are not allowed to bit/hit/scratch etc, and he cries and I ignore him then after 30 secs to a min I bend down and say good boy for staying where mummy put you, give him a kiss and cuddle and tell him he can go play. He then generally doesnt do it for the rest of the day, then he goes to sleep and turns in to a goldfish and forgets the next day not to do it!
lauramumof2 said:
Tangerinedream said:
I read somewhere that biting at this age is a sign of affection, dont make a fuss about it or it could turn into a game for her... I cant remember where i saw it tho :think:

r you sure you arent thinking about cats? haha,

lol, no when Jake bites it is because he is just so taken by the moment :lol:

When he is being mean he kicks and throws things :o
Awww trix, you called Millie a 1 year old!! Sounds so strange!

I don't really discipline Ryan, he doesn't really do naughty things. Or maybe he does but I just laugh cos it's cute? :think: :oops: :lol:
We tap Harrison on the hand (No nothing like a smack & not hard either it really is just a tap!) and say NO and I give him the i'm not happy look and sometimes he will listen! But he's getting worse with his hitting, he'll even throw things at you and he aims for the head too :(
I think the best things to do is say no and give her a look so she knows you mean it, ignore it or sit her in the naughty chair (She's prob still a bit young for that but thats what we do with Harry and he now knows thats where he goes when he does something v.naughty)
Very normal at this age, its alot to do with frustration of not being able to comunicate how she feels.

The best way to deal with these situation in my opinion is say no and walk away.

If this sort of behaviour then gets worse (which it probably will, comign up to two!! )
The best thing to do is use distraction, Oli is doing very similar things and is now in the testing stage.

Its best ignored and then distract them (when they are not doing as their told), unless of course they have really hurt you, you get on their level, firmly say NO and walk away and ignore them until you see fit.

Please try and not use the word no too much or it has not effect whatsoever! and its very negative ( in my opinion) the word no should be used for serioud things like hitting and dangerous situations

Like I said alot of it is frustration and testing the boundries.

Distraction is wonderous! and try and link why the child is behaving in the way with something like bordem, hunger, thirsty or just not able to tell you what she/he wants.

Easier said then done I know, I have a very strong minded child and understand how hard it is :hug:

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