waa-waa FINALLY moves out! *UPDATE OMGGGGGG!*


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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LOL we finally finished the nursery and last nite while she stayed over at my parents' we moved the cot into there, and tonite for the first time she is in her own room! :cheer: im so proud of her! :lol:

and excited as no more gooseberry for me and her dad :wink: :dance:

ill miss her tho- EEK! aww my little girl- nearly 10 months old and only just movin out of our room LOL
Awww bless her :D

We should really move Ryan out of ours and into Josh's but he still wakes a few times a night for his dummy so dunno if it's worth it yet :?
x-kirsty-x said:
Awww bless her :D

We should really move Ryan out of ours and into Josh's but he still wakes a few times a night for his dummy so dunno if it's worth it yet :?

I know, ive had this thought :? but yay for her being a big girl hehe

does she still wake for her dummy??
Haylii&&Mia said:
[quote="x-kirsty-x":yg0ehfma]Awww bless her :D

We should really move Ryan out of ours and into Josh's but he still wakes a few times a night for his dummy so dunno if it's worth it yet :?

I know, ive had this thought :? but yay for her being a big girl hehe

does she still wake for her dummy??[/quote:yg0ehfma]

sometimes yes and sometimes no, she gonna hav to learn to settle herself tho sooner or later :lol:

we'll see how it goes!
amazing- she slept thru! COMPLETELY! :shock: :D :cheer:

i mean, since she turned 8 months / i stopped BFing / her first tooth cut she had improved LOADS- from waking every hour for milk at one point to waking 2 or 3 times a nite for her dummy these last few weeks- but last nite, NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from 7pm til 7.30am!

WOO-HOOOOOOOO go waa-waa!
Brilliant news trixi!

This happened to us too for about a week (we put DD in her own room at 5 months), then she woke once each night for about 2 more months and now sleeps through again!

Clever Waa-waa!

Valentine Xxx
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Sleep is good!!! I bet you and your oh couldnt believe it this morning when you woke up!
:cheer: Bet you double checked the clock this morning :) Well done Millie
awww...well done!!!

evie has had 2 nights in her room (we had to put her in there cos she was sleeping badly in with us and as soon as she saw me she would be wide awake and wanting to play!)

anyway... she has slept from about 10/11pm through to 7am both times...I'm hoping she sticks to it!!!!!!!
trixipaws said:
amazing- she slept thru! COMPLETELY! :shock: :D :cheer:

i mean, since she turned 8 months / i stopped BFing / her first tooth cut she had improved LOADS- from waking every hour for milk at one point to waking 2 or 3 times a nite for her dummy these last few weeks- but last nite, NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from 7pm til 7.30am!

WOO-HOOOOOOOO go waa-waa!

Oh I'm so jealous!
just thought i'd let y'all kno we had another good nite last nite :cheer:

i just hope it lasts longer than a week, valentine has put doubts in my mind lol!

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