Vote: how painful was your labour

I haven't voted as I can't remember the last 13 hous of it. Jessica was back to back so it was long and slow (I started dilating 6 days before she was born).

The contractions before we went into hospital were painful - I was convinced I wouldn't get through each one when it was happening, but as it ebbed away I forgot how painful that contraction had been and put off ringing the hospital because I'm scared of them! :roll: :rotfl:

As soon as Jessica was born I became much more with it and remember thinking I'd do it all again if needed as she was so beautiful (and I had the obstetrician whom I'd had an argument with sewing me up at the time!)

It will be painful but you will cope and it will all be worth it once your baby arrives. Everyone says it but it really is true and you can't even begin to imagine that feeling when you are pregnant.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm also a great believer that you shouldn't stress out too much about how much it is gonna hurt, every individual has their own pain threshold. I also thought my tolerance to pain was low, but honestly I think cause I psyched myself up and saw the experience as something that resulted in a baby in my arms, I took it in my stride. My labour 'only' lasted 8 hours, when I arrived at the hospital I was fully dilated and ready to push. I won't lie at this stage it did hurt but it was too late for anything other than gas and air, which just made me :puke: , so I got through it by biting on the mouth piece!

Unfortunately, I did tear quite badly ( 3rd degree) and had to go to theatre to be repaired, but even after that 2 days later I was pain free.

I still only voted 5 and this included the pain after theatre!!
I voted 10 because in my experience there isn't anything more painful, my labour came on hard and fast however and i started with contractions immediately 7mins apart getting more intense and closer together over 16 hours before i had my epidural :) :) , however, the old cliche is true, you do forget and it is a positive pain as you know your getting something out of it,your lovely baby, plus inbetween your contractions you don't have any pain.
I voted 7. I was lucky and had a very quick birth and it was a good experience. I don't know whether it's something that I inherited from my mum (quick births with me and my sister) or because I was induced but I don't remember it being as bad as it seems on birthing programmes if that makes sense? I was on gas and air for about 2 hours and that was fine for me, but it is different for everyone.
It was the worst pain ever, my labour was very fast and I dilated 9cms in 40 mins so the contractions were non stop but here I am ready to do it again :hug:
I voted 10 too as it was the worst pain I have ever felt. Now I thought I coped pretty well with pain until I had my baby :oops:

I dont think it helped that I was given the hormone drip syntocin to help my labour as my contractions stopped after 6 hours and I'd only got to 2 cm's. The drip made the contractions much stronger and after a further 6 hours at full dosage i'd only reached 4 cm's by this time the contractions were every minute and lasting about 40 seconds, I was so hoping the midwife was going to check me and tell me I was at 8cm's :cry: . There was no way I could have coped another 6 hours with only gas and air with the way the contractions were so I asked for an epi, then I had to wait 2 hours for the anesthetist as he was in theatre :x so by the time he got into the room and then faffed about (im sure it was important faffing) it was another half an hour before I got the epi. I was so relieved I felt no pain whatsoever. Needless to say another 6 hours on full dosage of syntocin and I still only managed to get to 7 cm's and Maia's blood results showed she was lacking in oxygen because of the long labour so I was whisked off for a c-section.

Put it this way the pain was the far worse than I cold have ever imagined but it may have been totally different if I had progressed quicker.
8, although I only had contractions on my right side (Failed epi) and a numb vag (Local Anesthetic for episiotomy I think..or it could have been the epi? I dunno...)
I put 10 but that was more for the contracting part - I was also induced. The pushing part didn't hurt nearly as much as I thought it would and I'd say was about a 5 for me. That was high as a kite on G&A tho :lol:
i voted eight, but eight on its OWN scale of pain, iykwim?

for example, everyday pain, then a migraine or stubbing my toe might be an eight. but labour isnt on the same scale!

its on a hardcore scale lol! iv had a filling at the dentists without anaesthetic- on the hardcore scale i'd give that a one. labour is the most painful thing i'v ever experienced by miles- i put eight because i *imagine* nine and ten to be reserved for things like cancer and amputation etc :shock: which of course thankfully iv never experienced (hope i never do!) so iv no idea how painful those are maybe theyvre got their own scale again.

it bloody hurts :shock: but u kno what, its not frightening, and u can cope. that amount of pain i could NEVER cope with just randomly, but in that one situation its like flicking a switch and i am super trix lol. :lol:
WHO PUT 3???? ARE THEY INSANE??????????????

I put 9. However this is because:

1. I am a total wuss.
2. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my whole life ever and ever will. And yes, I've had kidney stones.
3. I went from 0cm to 10cm dilated in 3 hours. That's VERY FAST. My contractions were every 4 minutes from the start and very strong.
My lovely, pain is one of these things that is subjective so if you are using this as a gage for yourself perhaps, it will be totally invalid!
So Im not going to reply my sweet!
I voted 10, it was unbelievably painful. I don't know how people do it without pain relief.
At one point, it hurt so much I thought my eyes might just pop out.

But, you definitely do get over, IMO when I look back, I remember the pain of peeing afterwards more than labour.

I think it's good to go in, knowing it will hurt, knowing that millions of people have done it and be open to pain relief, and open to how your labour will go; ie. nothing like your labour plan!

Oh and once you have your baby on your chest, it's immediately worth it!
I'm going for 10, it's the most painful thing i have EVER experienced.. there's actually nothing you can compare it to.

Saying that, i'm back doing it again - it's totally worth it :). You never forget the pain, but the outcome is amazing.

Plus by the time it's ready to push baby out, you're actually glad, and i wouldn't have minded pushing an elephant out of there to make the pain stop, never mind a baby :) lol

with abi, tia, jordan and hayden id say about a 4 or 5 but with amber id say an 8 because i was induced and had my waters broke, with my others my waters did'nt break till a few seconds before they were born, once they broke my waters with amber the pain became so much more intense
i voted 9 as i think the next one will be worse....they say babies get bigger/heavier with each one you have :think:
I put 7 as it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. I managed on gas and air and had water birth, but I was lucky enough to have a very straightforward labour and birth. I think if the baby is back to back or funny position this makes it more painful perhaps?
The crowning bit does sting a bit tho :D but its soon over and you forget all about it!
I just wanted to quickly add to this. My friend was really worried about the pain of labour and a few months ago was saying she wanted an epidural no matter what. Her sister kept telling her how much labour hurt. Since then she has spoken to a few more people (including myself) and has a far more relaxed outlook on it. For some reason when you are pregnant people love to tell you their horror stories of giving birth even if you dont ask for it.

For me.. if i had gone into labour with the mindset of "this is going to hurt" I personally feel i would have tensed up so much. Instead i read the hypnobirthing book (a few bits for me were a bit over the top) and i got a relaxation CD to teach me how to deeply relax. OK.. maybe my birth "plan" didnt go exactly how it should (i wanted a water birth which ended in a c-section) but i really do feel that going in with a positive relaxed mindset and being able to get yourself into a relaxed state is the key.

My god i really do sound like a hippy! :lol:

Claire x
:think: :think: :think: :think: oh dear.... I only voted 2!!!!!!

In my mind I thought it was going to be a 15 but with the water and G&A it didn't really hurt at all. The only bit for me that I said 'ouch that stings' is when the head crowned.....apart from that I just relaxed and breathed through each contraction and apart from tiring me out I didn't think it actually hurt at all.

Guess I mist have a very high pain threshold :? :?
-HANNAH - 10. (if i could put more i would lol) overall my labour ways about 30+ hours (established) labour. (genral labour.. about 3 days!) i had gas n air, but towrds the last 6 hours it just didnt help at all.. i had the ep. but it only numbed one side so i still felt everything. i lost alot of bloody afterwards, and was nealry took to theartre (they got the blood ready and everything)
Overall - it was a horrible experience. :(

EMILY - id say 6/10 it was a text book labour, waters, contractions, baby lol. the painful bit only lasted about 1 hour lol (i was just saying 'ohh im too sore get me the ep. lol - when all of a sudden i was like I NEED TO PUSH.. no one believed me (as id only been checked half hour b4 and i was only 3cm or somthing)
I started pushing and my OH and midwife tried to make me laydown, and not to push... when the midwife checked.. there was babies head lol - only more push and she was out! - much more a pleasent experience... i sat there drinking tea and toast afterwards. :) (done all very easily with just G&A)
I voted 1,thats for my last one.Labour was 20mins from being examined and delivery.Went in hozzy in slight pain was 3cm not in labour,put on a monitor,then the nusre pissed off,within 30 seconds of her leaving had one massive pain,ste went to find nurse as noone came when i rang bell.She checked i i'd gone to 10cm.Went to delivery room.Nurse pissed off again.Took my knickers off and put my nightie on,leaned on the bed and had to push.Bell rang again nusre came in as i was about to deliver on the floor. :D Hubby then said "is that it then"He nearly died that night.
I didn't really have time for pain. :lol:

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