

Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2006
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Hi everyone,

Wanted some advice on vitamins....

I have real trouble swallowing tablets and so have just about managed through with my folic acid till now. I wanted some extra vits so I bought some pregnacare and pronatal tablets but they are HUGE!!! Not a chance of me getting them down!

Can I take normal chewy multi vitamins. They all contain Vitamin so wasn't sure. Anyone got any advice?

Sorry that was meant to be... they all contain Vitamin A.

Also i swear pregnacare give u spots and make u have headaches well they did with me :S i had 2 stop takin them :shock:
no you can't take normal vits for the vitamin A hubby bought me some kids chewy omega 3 tablets but they contained vit A so couldn't take them
I have pregnacare, although to be honest i havent taken them for about a week because i keep forgetting.

If you have trouble swollowing them you can break them in half, i have to break them to as i cant swallow tablets, make sure you gulp plenty of water with them and you will soon get used to it.

I am going to continue taking them till i have finished the box and then will probably stop taking them.
glad i'm not the only one who forgets to take them! i have got pregnacare as well - even though the MW says they are a waste of money if your diet is healthy enough!
My diet isnt healthy at the moment cause i cant seem to decide what i want and when i do i dont fancy it once its on my knee.
I have carried on taking pregnacare but thats because my diet isn't very good, hubby won't eat veggies and I don't like cooking them just for me :? ( have started to buy frozen packets of baby veg that you cook in the microwave to get round this!) .... I know Asda do an own brand version of pregnancy vitamins that are a lot cheaper and contain the same doses as pregnacare I would look at those..... I wouldn't take normal vitamins though... only ones specifically for pregnant women.

I am also planning to continue to take the vitamins through the pregnancy and whilst breast feeding.........
a little tip on taking tablets.....

don't throw your head back and swallow, it tightens the muslcles in your throat and increases the chance of it getting stuck halfway - not nice!

keep your chin down, take a nice big mouthful of something you like and swallow all in one - you won't even notice the tablet go down..... try it, it works for me.
I stopped taking folic acid at 13 weeks and don't take pregnacare. I think you are alright not to have anything tbh x

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