Vitamin Drops


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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My Health Visitor came round today to go through weaning and recommended I give Maia vitamin drops?

Are these really necessary? She will be eating exactly the same as what we eat and we have a very good varied balanced diet, I cook everything from fresh so surely she will get all the vitamins she needs from fruit and vegetables and other foods that I give her?

Im hoping to wait until 6 months to wean so she can eat the same as us.

What do you think about vitamin drops, anyone use them?
one of my HV's insists i should be giving vitamin drops too, but like you i'm not convinced they are necessary. i'm pretty good at ensuring connor has a balanced and varied diet so IMHO he doesn't need any supplementation. i haven't read up too much on it though so could quite easily stand corrected ;)
I had this dicussion with my HV as well - I was really insulted that she thought she would need them given that she lives on fresh, mainly organic, fruit and veg. Apparently becasue there are some children who do not get sufficient vitamins/minerals and daylight, they recommend it to all parents regardless because they don't want to look prejudiced. I am convinced she doesn't need them, but you cannot overdose on them - your body will get rid of any excess - so it can't do any harm. I never remeber now anyway.
If you are breastfeeding and have a good balanced diet then there is really no need for anything extra atm. Its only from 6 months that LO will need some things that your milk alone cannot give her (iron stored by baby before birth is running out then).

I personally would not bother with drops. Galen is breastfeed and thriving on it and I see no need to give him anything extra. My eating habits are good, we eat lots of fresh fruit and veg and have cut back on meat to twice a week or so.

Breastmilk is a total food for baby for the first 6 months. If you were living on crap food and not getting all your nutrients then maybe drops would be a good thing, but as you are not, I'd not worry.
not necessary if baby is having a balanced diet. The only ones that may cause concern are vit D (and a daily does of being outside sorts that out) and iron (whilst breastmilk has the lowest iron content it is more easily absorbed and breastfed babies don't lose iron out of their gut like you do with cows milk) so I personally feel its not needed.
I have never given them to Lola although I have taken Vitamin D since Lola turned 6 months old.

I'm not sure if you need to or not but i only started taking it because we continued to BF.
Ive never even heard of giving extra vitamins :think: Ellie has a balanced died as I do myself so do I really need to?? Think i'll speak to HV tomorrow as i've never even heard it mentioned :roll: x

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