It must have been awful for you and your sibling for her to be like that. That is so cruel. I don't want to leave her out & will try my upmost to include her as much as possible, we have already bought her bits & bobs for when baby come & I have asked my family (mum & dad, & both sisters) to get her something little when they in case she is there. But the first night or two I really don't think I will be able to give her the attention she needs. This is why I am so worried. I want that time with my new baby to enjoy & I don't want her to be pushed out but if she does come I'm worried it will happen & I won't be able to control it. I want it to be 'normal' for her bit dont think I can be so soon. My partner doesn't really get where I am coming from either. He wasn't allowed to be around his daughter when she was born so hasn't experienced that either (the mother didn't tell him for 3 days that she was born!).
Trying my best to make sure she feels included & I think coming a few days later to stay is best option for me & long term for her to.
Trying my best to make sure she feels included & I think coming a few days later to stay is best option for me & long term for her to.