Visit from Health Visitor. Question


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2006
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I had a phonecall from a Health Visitor today who wants to come out and do a home visit. I thought they didn't get involved till after the m/w left.

What do they do?Is this a routine thing. I never asked nothing as she woke me up so I just said yeh Tuesday is fine.

Thanks for any answers
My hv came out when i was about 36 weeks i think, its just routine to meet you so that you know who she is for after the birth, she just gave me los of leaflets for different things and asked a few questions like did i have support round about me etc etc.
yeah they try to do an antenatal visit to get to know you a little before baby arrives. they bring you the child health red book and go through any concerns, its just a general chat, mine went through breastfeeding cos i asked to find out more about it, and they take basic details etc and give you numbers if you need to contact them let you know about the clinics they run and where and when you can get baby weighed etc.

nothing at all to worry about. :hug:
i never had a HV visit before i had either of my babies, maybe its routine in certain areas?
I had mine last week, which was really helpful. My mum had post-natal psychosis, and my HV was able to reassure me that she feels I'm really low-risk for any post-natal depression, etc :cheer: Tbh, I don't feel high risk, as I'm totally different to my mum, but as it was so awful growing up with her, it's nice to have it confirmed from a professional that it's extremely unlikely that I will be doing that :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Sorry, I've rambled on about me, but just wanted to say I found it really helpful, and if you are worried about anything, they do listen!
The health visitor came out about 3 days after I left hospital (3 days after I had him) and the midwife only came out for 3 days after I left, not the usual 10 days. I was quite worried about this but I expect it differs from area to area :hug:

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