I was looking at videos of chilbirth on You Tube last night - cause I wanted to see what it's like for women who have their babies using hypno-birthing. My hubbie saw them and was really repulsed!!
I said, "well, it's something you're gonna have to get used to, cause that'll me me soon!!" where upon he said..... "let me have a cup of tea, and I'll think about it!!"
I was looking at videos of chilbirth on You Tube last night - cause I wanted to see what it's like for women who have their babies using hypno-birthing. My hubbie saw them and was really repulsed!!
I said, "well, it's something you're gonna have to get used to, cause that'll me me soon!!" where upon he said..... "let me have a cup of tea, and I'll think about it!!"