Vicki's TTC Diary - TTC after m/c (july 2007)

Wednesday 10th October 2007

:wave: girls.

well she still not arrived, did test again and was BFN, just wait for her to arrive feels a life time.

I did not have a very good night could not stop crying no reason why, was upset with a few things e.g money and my new job i started which i might have to stop now as i cant get the parties(pampered chef) this was surpose to pay for our wedding now i cant see us ever paying for it!
i really dont know what do it just feel so low at mo.,......

I want af to show or a bFP so i can move on to the next cycle or :cheer: :cheer: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Wednesday 24th October

Well not long after i posted my post on wed 10th Af arrived.

but i am today on day 15 and waiting for ovultion, which should happen sat/sun :pray:

going to make sure we are babydancing every day now until i am sure i have ovulated

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Wednesday 31st October

well i am now in my 2WW, hoping for it to go quick!!!

I think i missed it this month but got the little hope!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Tuesday 6th Novmeber 2007

Well i am due to test Saturday!!!!!!

Feeling as if Af is going to arrive, stomach at, got a sore throat & running nose, So not feeling too good

Not sleeping very well at moment either. Spend saturday feeling sick all day in waves but none since saturday think it coz i not feeling v well

:hug: :puke: :hug:
Friday 9th November

Well today is day 31 in cycle and i am due on tommorrow!

I am praying that i get my BFP.

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
really hope this is your month hunny and SHE stays away!!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:

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