Very very faint positive on superdrug early test


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
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So today i have had 3 faint postives on superdrug early tests.... or at least I think I have! Can anyone else see it?! I have attached a photo of one still in the plastic casing. I had some brown spotting that finished yesterday morning. And since yesterday have had back/hip pain and some twinges in the front... waiting a couple days to test with a cb digi.... but what do u girls think??? Tia xxxx


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So ling as you got that line within 3 minutes, then that is a bfp!


Word of caution, wait at least until af is officially missed before you try a cb digi. They are nowhere near as sensitive and you'd likely get a false negative. No matter how much you know it's a false will crush you, so don't do it. Xx
How reliable are the Superdrug tests when you get a very faint positive??

I ask because I'm 19dpo and 5 days late for AF. Up until yesterday getting BFNs but this morning used a Superdrug early detection and got the faintest, almost invisible line in the pregnancy window. It's there but you do have to squint to see it.

It came up immediately but I'm wondering how reliable that actually is.

How reliable are the Superdrug tests when you get a very faint positive??

I ask because I'm 19dpo and 5 days late for AF. Up until yesterday getting BFNs but this morning used a Superdrug early detection and got the faintest, almost invisible line in the pregnancy window. It's there but you do have to squint to see it.

It came up immediately but I'm wondering how reliable that actually is.


If you're 5 days late and 19dpo, implantation would have completed so a line showing up, even faint, means there's hcg in your system which is only there with a pregnancy. There are reasons for false positives like blood in the urine, cancer or medication but they are extremely unlikely!

Hcg doubles every 48-72 hours in the first few weeks, but it's quite normal to be as low as 18 at 5 weeks pregnant, so you'll only get a faint line and that line can be quite late to appear for some women. Some women only ever get faint tests, some never get positive urine tests despite healthy pregnancies and positive blood tests for hcg.

The best thing you can do is test again with another superdrug in a few days time. If you get a good line, you can try a digi or a first response, but they're not as sensitive to likely to give a false negative if you're only getting a faint superdrug.

If the line is pink and came up within the time limit, it's positive. Do you have any pictures?

Fx it's the start of your bfp xx
I tried to take a picture but it really is so faint you can barely see it. Could potentially be me just seeing things. ��

I shall take your advice and test again in a few days.

I've learned so much in the last few days.

I tried to take a picture but it really is so faint you can barely see it. Could potentially be me just seeing things. ��

I shall take your advice and test again in a few days.

I've learned so much in the last few days.


It's a huge learning curve isn't it. So long as the line has colour and was there within the time, it's a positive.

Fx it's a sticky bean xxx
I tried to take a picture but it really is so faint you can barely see it. Could potentially be me just seeing things. ��

I shall take your advice and test again in a few days.

I've learned so much in the last few days.


It's a huge learning curve isn't it. So long as the line has colour and was there within the time, it's a positive.

Fx it's a sticky bean xxx

Thanks...we will see. Still not sure if I'm just seeing things 😃


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I tried to take a picture but it really is so faint you can barely see it. Could potentially be me just seeing things. ��

I shall take your advice and test again in a few days.

I've learned so much in the last few days.


It's a huge learning curve isn't it. So long as the line has colour and was there within the time, it's a positive.

Fx it's a sticky bean xxx

Thanks...we will see. Still not sure if I'm just seeing things 😃

I can see it clearly...that's a positive test result, congratulations, you're pregnant. Fx it beds down for another 8.5 months xxx
Does look like a bfp test tomorrow is you can or in a couple days and let us know :)
Some of you may remember I posted as I had this exact scenario last month with a super drug early tester and it turned out to be a heartbreaking BFP the next day...

I really hope this is what it looks like... fingers and toes crossed for you xx
I have just posted this exact same thing. I have read some horrible reviews about these super drug tests and I have four faint positives with these so I am left wondering. Mine don't seem to be getting darker so I'm dreading if it is bad news. Have you tested since? These are the only tests that have shown me even a hint of a line but I have read they are the most sensitive.
I have just posted this exact same thing. I have read some horrible reviews about these super drug tests and I have four faint positives with these so I am left wondering. Mine don't seem to be getting darker so I'm dreading if it is bad news. Have you tested since? These are the only tests that have shown me even a hint of a line but I have read they are the most sensitive.

I had 3 positives with Superdrug including one of their digital tests and nothing with any other test. Had bloods done and GP confirmed wasn't pregnant. Gutted, O won't use Superdrug tests now.

As much as there are bad reviews, so may others seem to get an accurate result with them. Not sure if that's coincidental or not.
I had 3 positives with Superdrug including one of their digital tests and nothing with any other test. Had bloods done and GP confirmed wasn't pregnant. Gutted, O won't use Superdrug tests now.

As much as there are bad reviews, so may others seem to get an accurate result with them. Not sure if that's coincidental or not.
It's heartbreaking. I'm so sorry especially coz you get your hopes up and start feeling more pregnant! I do feel pregnant so if mine are in fact false positives then it's all in my head! It's hard as they are the most sensitive and no others are close in sensitivity are they??? I truly feel for you! X
I had 3 positives with Superdrug including one of their digital tests and nothing with any other test. Had bloods done and GP confirmed wasn't pregnant. Gutted, O won't use Superdrug tests now.

As much as there are bad reviews, so may others seem to get an accurate result with them. Not sure if that's coincidental or not.
It's heartbreaking. I'm so sorry especially coz you get your hopes up and start feeling more pregnant! I do feel pregnant so if mine are in fact false positives then it's all in my head! It's hard as they are the most sensitive and no others are close in sensitivity are they??? I truly feel for you! X

I dont believe they will be false positives, it maybe that you won't show up on a less sensitive test yet.
Some people manage to fertilise the egg but it then doesn't implant properly for long enough and the pregnancy is lost very quickly after a few days.
This means the body starts to produce a small amount of hcg initially which would show up on a sensitive test but then never increases as the pregnancy is lost.
Mainly called a 'chemical' pregnancy, very common as women test early and with sensitive tests.

However this is not to say your pregnancy is chemical, you would need to wait and test again in a few days and see if your line has got stronger or whether you start to bleed.
As 50% or even higher amounts of early pregnancies are quickly unsuccessful, many women are reporting 'false positives' on sensitive tests.
It makes sense that less sensitive tests do not get as many reports as they do not pick up on very early levels of hcg.

Good luck xxx
I did another test this morning but with a clear and simple wilko test. Next to the control line was two faint lines so even more confused! Why two lol?! I'm trying not to think about it and not gonna test now until next week or if my period comes before then. Hard to not let it take over your life! Yeah I have read about chemical pregnancies. Thanks for the help x

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