Almost naked to the eye faint line on superdrug test...BUT..


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Girls,

I used to live on this website when I was pregnant with my little girl (who is nearly 2). Here I am again.......well.......we started trying last month for angel no 2 and I have just done a "superdrug" pregnancy test and I think there is a very very very faint line.....However....bought a Predictor test and nothing!!! I am testing 2 -3 days before my period though. Any advice? I am determined not to become obsessed with the whole TTC thing but it's easier said than done!!

I had exactly the same problem using the Predictor tests, got a bfp from a cheapie then a negative from Predictor.

As you can see from my ticker I am defo pregnant :D

Give it a couple of days and test again, good luck :hug:
Thanks Jue!

I have had shooting pains in boobs, irritability, runny nose, bad back but these could also be AF symptoms (don't usually get symptoms though this noticeable). Yes I will leave it a couple of days and then buy another cheapy test. When did you test before or after AF with Predictor?

Julia xx
Hi all. Need help. Came home from work, I am trying to concieve and late for my period so thought I'd try a test. It was a superdrug home test, it came up with a very faint pink line in the test window. Did two more with the same result. So obviously I got very excited as we've only been trying for a month without working out OV date. I've been on the pill for 10 years so didn't expect anything for a while.

I rang my hubby and he went and got some clear blue digital tests. I took one and it came back 'not pregnant'.....gutted!

Are the superdrug tests unreliable, even though I did three. I'm new to this so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

LisaKos, i think that Superdrug tests might be more sensitive than the ClearBlue digital ones, there is a thread somewhere that tells you the levels they test at. A friend of mine did a test which came back with a very faint line, but a later ClearBlue Digital one said not pregnant too... she retested a few days later and got a positive, so don't give up hope! Its possible the Superdrug ones are correct but you don't quite have enough hormone levels yet for it to show up on others
Your Hcg levels are just too low to be detecting by the digital hpt a line is a line on any hpt and you did three meaning it pick up hcg, which would only be present in preganany or if taken hormones or after recent m/c. Sounds like to me you've got yourself a :bfp: fx xx
I've found the superdrug ones very good
A line is a line afterall so yayy for BFP - piccys please in a few days when you retest and will look out fokr your BFP post - good luck
I found first response predictor tests rubbish!! Cb digi are much better.
Wait few days and retest. But sounds like a BFP!! X
Had exactly the same problem with the predictor test myself. had faint lines on a cheapie, took the predictor next day and nothing. that afternoon i took a digi and it came up pregnant. i tested 2 days b4 af was due with the predictor and digi.

i have read alot of bad reviews about predictor tests and would advise anyone to stay away from them x x

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