Very scared & want home birth

I'm the same, I have considered a homebirth but when I mentioned it to my midwife she said it wouldn't be possible. I do live in a really small town 17 miles from the maternity hospital so maybe that's why.
The midwife suggested I went to the maternity unit (sort of half way between a home and hospital birth) which is about 10 miles away instead and said I could have a waterbirth and be home within 6 hours after birth. I might ask her about it again next time I see her.

ETA:Thinking about it, the maternity unit is 10 miles in the opposite direction from the hospital, so if I did have to be transferred to hospital from there is almost twice the distance! Definately need to discuss this with midwife
gymbabeliz said:
im terrified of hospital birth too, i dont think im going to tell anyone when i go into labour, i'll just keep nice and quiet and pretend i cant feel a thing then suddenly oopsie! theres the baby :lol:

Good luck with that! Keeping quiet isn't really an option!
nw1 said:
I live 16 miles away from the hospital though so would it cause a problem -

Hey girls,

I live 25 miles away from my nearest hospital and had no problem arranging my home birth (well no distance problem anyway).

I had my first baby at home in the birth pool 7 weeks ago and couldn't recommend it highly enough, I had an amazing experience. To read my birth story, click on the link in my sig.

And Urchin - my neighbours heard me, but I didn't give a sh*t!

Valentine xxx
When I saw my MW recently for my first appointment she tried tslking me int a home bith, she said that the MWs and hospitals are really trying to push it at the moment, I'm guessing because of a shortage of beds or sommet! So I reckon that anyone wanting a home birth and has all the right criterea checked would be ok whether it's their first or third pregnancy.
Oh thats great thanks for that valentine, :hug:

I really dont see why i should have to go to hospital ive never been to hospital for anything (touch wood) so would love to have he/she at home i shall really plug for it then thanks
cherylcusack said:
i want a home birth, i wanted one with my third but my partner and my mum ganged up on me :( i,ve said the same about this one and again they are ganging up on me. i,ve heard that you can have a paramedics sitting outside is this correct!! my third labour me and my sister virtually delivered ourselves anyway as the midwife was so busy, so surely having a midwife at my home and the para,s outside is just as safe.

My husband is scared stiff of me having a homeborth and is really pushing for me to be in hospital plus my step-mum-in-law (!) who is always putting me down has said that I am stupid and reckless to even consider it, and then tells us about her 2nd daughter being born (bit gruesome) which of course scares my husband more :roll:

Sometimes I wish they would leave us women to do what's best. It's not like we are going to put ourselves and our baby in danger is it?! And one major factor, I KNOW there is no MRSA in my home - but can I say the same about the hospital?
sorry to be picky but MRSA might be in your home, its in the community thats why they screen orthopeadic patients before admitting them to hospital.
only saying cos i hate people coming in and saying that "we" have given their relative MRSA and they might have brought it in themselves particularly as most people seem to be oblivious to the big signs saying please apply alcohol gel to hands before entering the ward.or the wash your hands signs :roll:
ok i need to get a life :oops:
anyway there are probably less bugs in your home than hospital and the ones that are there, you and your baby are more likely to be immune to.
you can have a homebirth, do some research they all seem lovely and relaxing however you cant have an epidural just gas and air, and a method called tens

You'll be 16 when you give birth though won't you? I don't know if it makes a difference to be honest, I think it would depend on how your pregnancy goes generally rather than age though I'm not sure. I would talk to your midwife about it when you meet her, it probably also depends on local policy and how keen they are on home birth anyway.

Aha- just found this for you on here:-

>>Too young for home birth?

Occasionally a midwife or doctor will suggest that teenage mothers should not have home births, because they are worried that this group are at higher risk of labour complications. However, the research listed below suggests that even very young mothers are actually less likely to suffer complications of labour than women in their twenties.

If you are very young or small for your age then your caregivers may be worried about cephalopelvic disproportion, which means that the baby's head may be too large to pass through your pelvis. However, there is no indication from the research listed here that this is actually more likely to be a problem for a young mother than for anyone else.

I have not found any research with suggests that simply being young should disqualify a mother from home birth. It seems that those who oppose home birth for young mothers reveal more about their prejudices than their knowledge.<<

Check out the link as there's more, hope that helps

Thats very helpfull thank you...Yes ill be 16 when i give birth my mum said its not wise incase something happens xx so ill have a think about it x
Yes that is what my mum says too and she's the one coming in with me so I'm going with how she feels as I want her to be happy about it so that she's relaxed enough to be of really good help to me like she was last time! She said she felt calmer because she said she knew she could reach the emergency button before the midwife could if I needed a team of specialists lol! Of course we're their babies and they're just worried about us!


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