Very sad MM

Oh hun, im so sorry to hear that hun, i hope your ok and hope to see you around soon hun.

:hug: :hug:
I hope the person that told them isnt a regular member.
What a nasty person.
Aww honey :hug: :hug: :hug:

I missed your BFP announcement too, that is wonderful news, congrats sweetie!!

I hope you can keep coming to chat to us.
OMG I can't believe anyone on this forum would do that :x Are they a regular?!!

Maybe I'm naive but I assume everything I type on here stays on here :think: :? That's made me a little bit paranoid!!!

Don't go :( Won't hubby calm down eventually?
NOOOO... but you are my favorite!!! :)
:shakehead: can't leave.. .I'm sure someone will join me in tying you up and making you stay here!

*going to get some rope*

You will be missed soooo much... you are so hilarious and brought so much humour to this site! Thank you for all your kind words and support. Good luck with your growing LO!

Thats ridiculous, if my DH told me not to come on here he would get told to P*** off in no uncertain terms!!!and anyone else for that matter, I find that so strange!!

Congrats on the BFP by the way honey, keep your chin up and next time remember its him on the floor not you :)

M xx
oh no u cant leave. im sure your husband will let u back when your constatly moaning about aches and pains etc... men just cannot cope with that, you will need us then.

I think if my bloke told me i couldnt use this forum i'd tell him where to stick it! this forum will keep me sane through my pregnancy same as it did with last pregnancy, i honestly dont know how i would have coped.

show him this thread, he may change his mind!!
Oh no hun, please come back soon!
Good luck with your pregnancy, hope all goes well for you & hope to see you on here again soon (cant u sneak on! ;))

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: x

sneak on - where's your nearest library? pretend to suddenly read a lot..I'll tell you the plots of the books. :D

change your user name :wink:

and whoever told....shame on you..hope you never need support from us or you'll feel soooooo guilty. :shakehead:
Why did you sleep on the floor..... your not a dog!!!

If my husband forbade me to do anything ...let alone come on this forum... he would be nursing some very swollen knackers!!!

You're thread yesterday made me have a dream about my OH logging on as me, reading what I wrote and saying I couldnt come on anymore, although I know he wouldn't! And in my dream he never even let me say goodbye :(
Aww Frangelle.....these are for you for even having to dream it :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

But M-M these are for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: as that is awful that someone has told your news to your family just by working out who you are, why didn't they have the decency to speak to you about it first!!! I am sorry to hear that your DH is unhappy about you coming on here now, I hope he comes round soon (for our sakes :D )
MM whoever kicked off at ypu about your pregnancy ought to be ashamed of themselves and are pretty pathetic for ringing up yourDH and having a pop at him over it.
Of course you were guna announce on here your BFP, everyone has seen you going through TTC and we would have found out anyways.
Explain to your husband and your family what a great support and boost this site has been to you.My DH had issues same as your amd i told him i love this site and its members and has been very supporitve and i can have a moan on here instead of gim, he was all up for using the net again.

Whatever family member it was I hope they bog off here now cos they aint popular doing that to you! also have they cottended on you prob wouldnt tell family till you were x amount of weesk gone?its more sensitive and private telling family and friends.And they should realise that.

Whatever happens though good luck MM, i think your lovely and will miss reading your posts.What will libs do without you?
Just snuck on using his PSP while he is in the shower.
I will be back but we are losing the broadband in about a week so I couldn't come on if I wanted to :( I can check my emails on my phone but not the forum) Libs has my number, if anyone else wants it, email me.
missing you guys. :hug:
Hopefully when the dust settles you can come back....

Good luck meanwhile... :hug:
Pm me your email MM so i can keep in contact with you and let you know when the babys born if your not back in time for

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