Very painful tightenings today


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Today I have had very painful tightenings across my lower-middle tummy.

It pulls right in, intensifies in pain and then eases off.

Had a bath and it made them a little less intense. But now they are building in intensity again.

If these are BH, they are the most painful I have ever had, as these have had me doubling over :(

Stop this rollercoaster ride, I want to get off!
Jeez poor you hun! you are having a right crap time lately :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I feel bad feeling sorry for myself though, as there are people who go through a lot more and have definite things to worry about.

Pains havent gone away yet. They are just sometimes milder....otherwise quite nasty. Just had a small bleed to.

Gonna do some more relaxing now. Am fed up of hearing myself moan :(
are you kidding hun?! Dont be crazy woman, you deserve hugs and a good moan. Id be a million times worse :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

really hope everything clams down over the next few days and you get a break from the worry, pain and crap! then the next 11 weeks are bliss :D
Thank you Tilly. You are a sweetie :)

I really hope things do settle soon. I hope I havent got 11 weeks left either lol

Tyler came in his 40th week. Which was good. I amhoping God takes pity on me now, because my poor body is tired. Up to another 8 weeks sounds like the most I can take :lol: (like its my choice :( :lol: )
Aww hun - sounds crappy. Hope they settle down and you feel better today :hug:
Just stomach cramps today, less than tightenings. So, not feeling too bad.

Thank you for the messages ladies. You are all lovely :D
What did the hospital and MW suggest about what is going on in your tummy to be causing this discomfort? :hug: :hug: :hug:
fuffins1981 said:
Just stomach cramps today, less than tightenings. So, not feeling too bad.

Thank you for the messages ladies. You are all lovely :D

MOAN all you like you have every right to your in pain hunny :hug: and its a pregnant ladies right to do so :lol:
Glad its eased up a bit now :) :hug:
did you go to see your midwife/ doc?
you our going though the mill at the mo love :hug: :hug: :hug:
but your so upbeat with it 8) and staying positive im so impressed :clap:
can i have some of you gutsieness :pray: :lol:

How our you feeling now hun hope the stomach cramps have stopped too :pray:

sarah :wave:
Hi Girls

Did not contact them yesterday. Am fed up of feeling like I am being fobbed off! :(

Have had some today...Bu not for aslong as yesterday. They are on and off.

Thank you Sarah. I try to keep the jokes up and have a laugh....then I swing to sounding like a manic depressive. Got to make it more even or will end up with a very tempramental child!lol

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