Confused about 'tightenings'


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2010
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When I hear people talk about tightenings, they talk of Braxton Hicks type contractions that are painful but come and go and can be timed. The last couple of day I have been experiencing a really tight belly....but it seems to stay that way for hours and isn't really painful, just uncomfortable. I've also had some low back ache and very slight period type pain on and off. My bump definitely seems to tighten up all over, but I am not aware of it coming and going like a contraction? Any ideas what it is? xx
Im having this too. I'm currently in hospital as my tightenings were regular and they wanted to monitor me. I would say they're strong BH and it's your body gearing up for labour. If they do become regular phone your mw/labour suite and have them check you over.
Oooh Amanda, ok I have no idea hun. I haven't felt braxton hicks. My tummy can be tight for long periods too. Hopefully your body getting ready for the big day :)

BH's shouldnt hurt. Mine used to make my tummy go tight for afew mins. I used to get them worse when I needed the loo too
keep an eye on them and see what apens, they say braxton hicks shouldn;t hurt but mine have done, but as you are now 37 weeks it could be your body gearing up for labour or the start of slow labour.
i get a really tight feeling which gradually builds up and then relaxes back down again...and my tummy changes shape and is rock hard and a big lump on one side... this has happened really ever since i could feel the baby moving and it's like the baby is stretching her back (you know like a picture of a petrified cat!)...

well i also had this all the way through my first pregnancy and when i was in being induced on the monitors this showed up as a contraction and the midwife said "ooh you're having quite a strong one now" and i explained that the baby had been doing that all the way through and then she said "ooh they're braxton hicks dear"...

... i'm stillnot convinced and i'm sure it feels like the baby is just really stretching out or something? Don't know if this is what you could be having but you are getting closer now so hopefully it's your body practising and gearing up for the big event!
if it stays rock solid without relaxing i think it could be the baby going into a certain position causing your belly to go hard i get it it when she throws herself to the front of my belly and its really hard to tell the difference between that and BH but bh will relax after a few mins
Yeah it's just not relaxing at all!! I've had it all night and it's so tight that I haven't been able to belly looks huge and feels heavier than usual....I can't even bend or anything! I wonder if baby is in a funny position where he is really tightly squeezed in....and he refuses to move down where there is more room the little tinker! I have tummy cramps now too! I am worried it's a sign of labour....he's not allowed to come yet, not before 16th April when hubby will be here for 2 weeks on holiday!! xx
hopefully it will just be him pushing out and not the start of labour then :)
I had this all day yesterday, I was convinced that this was it lol! Today I'm back to normal grrr! Hopefully the sweep tomorrow will move things along.

It is confusing though when people talk about braxton hicks everyone says different things and I've actually been having them (as they showed up on my CTG) but had no idea!
With #1, I didn't have BH til the day I was in labour - this time, I get them. But they also last a long time. Sometimes my bump is hard constantly, all day. This has been happening for a few months now.

My abdomen is usually tender to the touch (or to the baby kicking!) but it's not been labour.

However, yours could be gearing up fer the big day, with the period-like pain etc.

When in doubt, ring the midwife or labour ward, they'll have a much better idea than us lot :P
hi amanda, my wife has had exactly the same thing for about the past week or so. tight belly for hours on end mixed in with Braxtons and the backache. also maybe had lost her plug the other day so hopefully it will all be over soon.

she has been saying its not all that painful, like you said its uncomfortable and annoying. she having issues sleeping at the mo as well which aint helping things.

good luck, keep us all updated on anything new that happens.


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