Very odd dreams - i cant wait to sleep at night!

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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All the way through i have been having the most random off the wall dreams they are hilarious!

Last night OH said i was mumbling in my sleep and i was dreaming that my dog asha was boob feeding a local jack russell she was laid on her back with this blooming jack russell suckling away :shock: :shock:

I really do look forward to going to bed and i think i may even start writing down what i have been dreaming so i can look back and laugh!

Anyone else having an interesting time in their sleep?
I've had a few strange and random dreams too but :rotfl: at yours :D

You should write them down, I bet your LO will find them very amusing when they grow up :D
My dreams have been mental some of them have been quite sad but last nights was cool.

I was married to Antonio Banderas! I said I would meet him at the beach so I got to the beach and i seen my real OH there and I decided that mabey it would be a good idea for Antonio to cheat on me so I could go out with my OH coz I loved him much more. It was really random!
OMG im glad im not alone here!!!
Mine have been sooooooooooooo random. Last night i dreamt that the little round yellow M&M man was a mas murderer and he was kidnapping people and killing them with chocolate!!!
I had some wicked sex dreams :wink: but most of them were really random though!
Freaky stuff! I had a dream that I was one of the Osbornes and we went for a walk where Sharon told me I hadn't contributed to the family's wealth at all!

She said I'd better get myself on stage or something otherwise I'd get adopted :shock:

Oh dear - Must continue throughout the pregnancy?! lol

I've had so many wierd dreams lately and they seem so much more real then normal and can remember them in loads of detail!
Thank goodness I'm not the only one!!!

I've been having really vivid dreams that are totally random and not about anything in particular

I like the idea of writing them down though... I might do that and let my LO laugh at them when they're a bit older.

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