i am too scared to go sleep


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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hiya everyone i'm posting this a day early as i am getting fead up with the loss of sleep and i know most of you here will probaly have experianced simalar bla bla anyway down to why i'm posting this :D i'm too scared to go to sleep, i have nightmares all the time of neglecting my children and wake up feeling AWFUL, last night 3 times i woke up and was too scared to go sleep i dremt i left my daughter while she was ill in the house on her own!!! I'D NEVER DO THAT EVER she is too presious to me and i have simalar dreams about my son too, i remember having simalar dreams about leaving my son home alone too when i was pregnant with emma but i don't remember me getting this upset to the point i'm crying in the night and don't want to go sleep for fear of having more dreams like this (i sound like a right sop)
anyway i was hoping someone could reassure me and mabe give me some advise to stop dreaming cas its scary and i can't go on like this for the next 3 months :? :(
Hiya hun. I know exactly where you are coming from. I truely cant remember the last time I had a peaceful nights kip. I dream CONSTANTLY. I think its a combination of hormones and also the fact that having a baby is a bloomin big deal and it doesnt matter if its your 1st or your 10th, it still causes anxiety - consciously or not.
I would suggest, if you can, getting some relaxation tools before you go to bed - hot bath, lavender oil, maybe listen to some soothing music before you go to sleep. Anything that relaxes you and de-stresses you and hopefully you will sleep a bit easier.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
huge hugs hun,ive been having unsettling dreams too,i have no other LO's but can imagine how disturbing they are.
my lack of sleep is due to the OC keeping me up itching all night,have you tried a nice warm bath and a cup of choccie horlicks before you go to bed? i have started to do this each night and it makes me sleepy so i get at least a couple of hours if i go straight to bed once i get out of the bath and still feel in the dreamy state. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have no advice as i havent experienced this but thought id send u a hug n hope u find a way to get out of the habit :hug: x
I was getting these awful nightmares too, I dreamt I forgot to feed the LO for 3 days and the poor lil thing had a cardiac arrest,lol!

I find getting into a good book before bed helps as then the book subject is the last thing on your mind when you go to sleep.
Just make sure its not a pregnancy book !
Hi hun sorry ive no advice to give but didnt want to read and run so have a lot of :hug: :hug: from me

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