Strange pregnancy dreams!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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Anyone having really strange dreams lately about giving birth? I dreamt last night I gave birth to two jack Russell pups!!!! I'm a weido lol!!! I had to share it with you all cause i thought it was hilarious!! :lol:
not the only one to have a weird dream hun, i dreamt i gave birth to 4 babys, i woke up in a panic making sure that i knew there was just one in there x x x
it must be, they get scarier the closer you get been there once and i hated them kept me awake most the time x x x
I dream about giving birth all the time!

I dreamt I had twins, a boy and a girl and in the dream we called the boy Robbie, with a middle name of William, and I remember in my dream being horrified that baby was going to be called Robbie William!

I dreamt last night that the midwife took the baby out of my belly at 30 weeks to let me see what it looked like and then put him back in and I was disappointed as we are team yellow and I didn't want to know the sex!

Most of mine aren't too weird, and I normally dream what sex the baby is and how much they weigh! x
Yeah I have dreamt about the sex of the baby too! It's always a girl tho! We are team yellow so maybe it will be true lol xxx
well you both never know it could be your bodies telling you the sex its not uncommon will have to wait and see with you ladies lol x x x
I keep having labour dreams and it doesn't half freak you out when you wake up!..I dreamt that i actually split in two while pushing Seb out :|, woke up in quite a fit of sweat and tears and freaked OH out again lol!
I have terrible nightmares when pregnant, no idea why but I do wish they would ease up!!
well you both never know it could be your bodies telling you the sex its not uncommon will have to wait and see with you ladies lol x x x

Well I thought this originally as all through my pregnancy my dreams have been that I've had a boy but in the later couple of weeks I've had 2 dreams that I'm carrying a girl! So looks like I'll just have to wait and see! x x
noo dnt say this, ive ahd a couple dreams abotu baby boys x
well babies make us do strange things when pregnant, its just another thing we got to remember they are dreams. I am recently having alot of dreams about zombies and i end up killing someone close to me...its horrible x x x

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