Very confused


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2008
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Hi all,

I have already mentioned this to Puds but I would like to have your opinion too.

I am currently on day 30 and have AF like cramps and my breasts are very tender.
However, according to my ovulation kit I only ovulated on day 23/24.
Is it possible that the ovulation kit was wrong? I keep going to the toilet expecting AF to be there but nothing so far. I have tender breats and lost my appetite.

Has anyone of you ever experienced these symptoms about 7 days after ovulation and found out that you are pregnant?I thought it might be far to early for these symptons so I am convinced it must be AF. Unfortunately I do not know the average length of my cycle as this is only my second cycle of TTC.

Many thanks
:wave: When I got my bfp (last year) I got symptoms from around 5/6 dpo! my breasts was sooooo tender and I lost my appetite like you as well as feeling like I was going to :puke: most the day

Good luck :pray: :hug:
I started getting symptoms about 7dpo and took the test 4 days before af was due and got a +ve. It could be hun. Keeping it all x'd for you :pray:
its sounding really positive for you hun :pray: fingers crossed! the opk's have always been accurate for me so i would trust them!! don't be tempted to test too early though as it may not be very accurate. you can also get a chemical pregnancy if you test too early- positive which turns to a negative when af is due as it hasn't implanted/stuck- is that right experts?! this is all way too confusing!!!
:lol: :lol:
best of luck, i have everything crossed for you!!
Snuggle said:
Have a look at the blog I did before I got my BFP, sounds promising! :hug:

Thanks Snuggle, your blog is very interesting and I can see similarities.

I thought I'd do the same and have just noted down all my symptons. I felt today that AF could come any moment but the day is nearlly over and nothing so far. I went shopping today and my breasts were so tender that I was worried that anyone coming towards me would bump into me and hurt me.

I think I do not want to raise my hopes yet though, this is only my second cycle and it might just be my body getting back to normal, my last AF was around 30 days ago so AF would be expected now.
However, what throws me is that the OV kit said that I only just ovulated on 23/24 (so 6 days ago). But then again I used them for the first time and maybe I misread them...
I got so many questions in my head right now...
Hi all,

I thought I would give you a quick update, I am now 10 DPO.
My breasts are still sore and I had a strange attack of sickness this morning at work. I thought I would be sick so ran to the toilet but when I got there I was not actually ill.
I seem to burp a lot all day too (sorry). I still do not want to raise my hopes though as I am only just getting used to coming off the pill... When would be the earliest for me to test?

If you're 10dpo then tomorrow morning first thing is a great time to test - good luck, hon!! :pray: :hug:
melissa5317 said:
If you're 10dpo then tomorrow morning first thing is a great time to test - good luck, hon!! :pray: :hug:

Hi, I tested but only in the evening and it was BFN. Not sure what's happening as I had brown discharge today (but no red AF) and my breasts are still very tender. Maybe AF is starting, I am not sure...
If AF doesn't come soon you should try first thing on a morning maybe? Hope you are pg :)
Thanks for your support but AF arrived :-( Well at least my second cycle since coming of the pill was 36 days (which was much shorter than the first one).
:hug: think mine will be here tomoro too! mine will b a 37 day cycle and also my 2nd proper cycle since coming off pill in June so i'm feeling positive!! roll on january bfps!

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