Why do ovulation kits show negative?

Well I thought about this too, but i'm a bit scared of going to such lengths, they offered me one on the NHS a few years back but I turned it down after hearing some horror stories. I've been on weight watchers now for a couple of weeks, so going to try and lose a bit of weight, although, like you I am as fit as a fiddle! Maybe i'm just not meant to have another child, but it gets me really angry when so many people around me are either pregnant or have just given birth! lol x
Lynette, I feel for you, at least I have my son, so i'm thankful for that. It just baffles me why i'm having so much trouble. I will go back to the GP I think for some blood works. x
like i said its not easy lol your chance to catch your egg is so slim! it just seems everyone has it easier than you thats all x the 21 day bloods will set ur mind at ease at least x
Hello ladies, just thought I would reply and let you know that I had my 21 day bloods done the message back from the docs was that they were 'normal'. So I guess if this is the case then it must just be a timing issue then! x
Bear in mind that sperm can live internally for a couple of days so you want to catch it early. We actually ended up conceiving when we'd Dtd 2 days before I ovulated so get on it girl! Xx
Well my other half won't know what's hit him next month, as I have it all planned, with lots of methods and conceive plus etc (poor man!). I tried charting my temperatures this month and couldn't make much sense of it cause they were all over the place, but according to my cycle I am currently 4dpo this month, but don't think we timed it right, but you never know. Don't really have any symptoms at all apart from slight twinge in breasts, although normally by now my breasts are killing me before AF. I feel a little nausea, but think that I might just be imagining it because I want to be PG. Here's hoping! x
Fingers crossed hun!

maybe start to test the day AF buggers off to make sure you dont miss it? and dont use FMU ( first wee of the day ) to test xx good luck

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