

New Member
Dec 1, 2009
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Hello to everyone.
Ill try to make this as short as possible! I am a mum of 3 boys and married to my husband for 7 years.
We have been ttc and i had a mc in july 09. my LMP was 27th sept 09 so would roughly make me 9 weeks now.
But 3-4 weeks ago now i started bleeding. Went to my EPU where i had a scan and they couldnt see anything. Had Beta HCG blood tests done every 48 hours for a week which rose everytime. After a week i had another scan which detected a gestational sac. Then two weeks after which was yesterday (monday) i had another scan and the sac was still there but had only grown from 4mm to 7mm and no sign of a baby. They did my bloods again and a few weeks ago it was 788 and yesterday it came back as 5000. So this is a good sign! But i have been bleeding on and off still the whole time. This last week it has mostly been brownish (sorry if TMI). The whole time i havent had to use a pad but has been quite heavy upon going to the toilet and wiping.
I have looked about on various websites and the sac measurements and blood results seem to put me at 5 weeks. But i am still not sure because there is a big difference in 5 weeks and 9 weeks! DH and me havent had sex for about 5-6 weeks too so extremely puzzled! Am i still pregnant but only 5 weeks or is it a empty sac and still making my body believe i am pregnant because thats what happens even though there can be no baby in the sac.
I just dont know what to think. this last 3-4 weeks has been a very big rollercoaster ride and doesnt look like it is ending anytime soon either!
Just wondered if anyone else has experience anything similar or can help me figure this one out!!!

Claire xxx
:wave: Welcome to the forum.

I dont want to alarm you but have the mentioned the possibility of a molar pregnancy? I know of someone who had one and she had rising HCG but no baby sighted and her dates and theirs were out.

It might be worth mentioning and asking them what their thoughts are on the possibility of molar.
Oh this sounds very stressful for you! I would be confused too! I'm afraid I don't have any advice other than talking honestly to your midwife or doctor about your confusion. Didn't want to read and runwithout wishing you the best of luck! Good luck hun!xxxx

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