Vanishing Twin Syndrome

slummy mummy

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
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Any one suffered from this?

I have had one case for definite and it caused all sorts of problems in my pregnancy.It turns out this may be another twin loss and thinking about it I had this with my first daughter 12 years ago.My midwife wants to do tests as she feel its something to do with the male gender.I will be sterilised after this baby but still would like to know about it and how or why it happens.

I do have worries ad my last pregnancy was awful and baby was always small I believed it was to do with her being a twin and want to avoid all this again.

Any stories shared would be fab.Have you suffered?did you have a normal pregnancy after? xxx
I dont know anything about this hun but I didnt want to read and run. I have heard it mentioned a few times though over the years on the forums....someone will have some info I'm sure :)
I hope you find out some info that helps you; sorry I cant offer any :)
when my mum had her first scan with me there was an empty sac aswell as me, which they think was a twin prefnancy. wouldnt be a suprse as there's 13 sets on her side of the family!
As you know hun this has happened to me twice (that has been confirmed) :(

The first time was with my lil man Joe, had abit of bleeding/cramping at 5 and 6 weeks got an early scan at 7 weeks and they found 2 sacs with with hb one without. By 11 weeks the other sac was gone :( I had a massive bleed at 14 weeks and that lasted till 17 weeks. I bled on/off until 21/22 weeks then my waters went at 27 weeks :doh: Lil man was born at 28 weeks.

Last time was with my lil girl ( my last pregnancy) had a scan a 5 weeks(I'd started spotting at 5 weeks), they only saw 1 sac another scan at 6 weeks, they only saw 1 sac, another scan at 7 weeks and it was plain as day on the screen. I even said to the consultant just as he was about to tell me :( No hb but same size as lo so they said we'll leave things for 2 weeks. I went back after 2 weeks and still no hb but this time there was no sign of the sac dissappearing :(

Again I had another horrendous bleed at 14 weeks literally blood pouring from me but cervix was shut. They told me at that point things were touch and go as my body could try and mc the twin and therefore the cervix would open and then I'd have lost my little girl as well :cry: They told me it would take about 4 weeks for lo to grow big enough to block the twin (the twin was coming first). At 18 weeks I thought I'd get the all clear but didn't until about 21-22 weeks. Then I went into labour at 23 weeks but they wouldn't do anything but thankfully the contractions eased and no dilation took place. I was then booked in at 24 weeks to have the steroid shots to mature bubs lungs. I was also started on salbutamol tablets. (to stop early labour)

At 28 weeks I had a show and started contracting, this time strongly. I was put on the drip for the maximum 48 hours and all eased. I was kept until I was 31 weeks. Sent home and taken back in with another show and contractions at 33 weeks kept a week then sent home. I was taken in again with same thing at 35 weeks and delivered 5 days later :D

I'm not sure it was the twin thing to be honest as I do have a bicornuate uterus so that explains alot of my problems. But I believe I had more twin pregnancies as symptoms were very similar in at least 2 other pregnancies.

I felt very sad last time as the little twin never let go and I saw it at every scan :(

:hug: hun, hope lo is a fighter like its mummy :hug:
Aww hun thank you I was waiting for you to come here and talk to me.Can you remember i had huge probs last time?Abi was trying to come from 31 weeks.,was small in size and i was bleeding on off the whole last 9 weeks.I just knew my body was trying to evict her but no one listened and as soon as she was born my placenta was in 2 parts.Kinda told me what i guessed all along.Your story is amazing though huge hugs xxxxxxx

This is copying that pregnancy to a T and I'm sad a bit but I still have one in there, however she said she felt 2 hard lumps so I have to have urgent scan so who knows?The whole thing baffles me.One min i'm pregnant next all symptoms dip then neg tests or faint lines and then bang 2 weeks later it all comes back and positives tests!! xxx

Wow Alice 13!!! OH is a twin and there are more in the family.What your mum went through was same as me with Doodles xxx
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Yes hun I remember you telling me that :( With Joe the placenta was in bits and I had to go to theatre but Katies was fine :)

As for the dipping of symptoms this happened to me as well. Last time even after a scan I told my oh it was twins. I was so sick and I felt ill all the time that I just knew. then at 8 weeks I wasn't just as sick and knew when I went back they'd tell me it was just 1 :( the symptoms picked up again a week or 2 later.
Bloody hell you are saying my thoughts :hug: I suppose we know our body's and there is no way with the tummy i have im 6 weeks.Another thing that gets me is with my eldest this all happened but I was 18 and didn't have the net or knew much but she was born by their dates at 35 weeks but mine 39 and she was perfect but dinky all matching Abi.Maybe it's a chromosome thing.I know some of my losses have been boys and still wonder if that may be the trigger.God knows xx
My worst pregnancies have been boys :(
wow that is freaky.My son had to be sewn inside if you get me as he was a struggle to keep.I had to have loads of scans as his heart beat was undetected for almost 9 weeks x

Forgive me what do you have now?

Me 3 girls one little man xx
there's 3 sets of triplets too!! i was kinda disappointed not to have twins cos i always assumed i would! although its like havin twins with my two :lol:
i hear you on that front lol Blimey 3rd time luck hey maybe twins then xx
2 boys 3 girls hun :) lost 1 little boy 14 weeks gest :( and 1 mc and 2 twin losses :(
Aww hun i'm sorry.Well as you know i'm on 9/10 loss now.I am not having anymore the heartache is to much.We are both getting sterilised.We will foster later on in life so can't wait for that xxx
Hi All! I miscarried on 21st november with what i thought was a single pregnancy! I was 11 weeks so had not had my first scan! when i went for my scan to check if pregnancy had definatley ended they found a healthy baby and a empty sac! I was over joyed but sad an emotonal at the same time! i lost sac only a few weeks ago! 26 weeks now and still feel sad about losing one! selfish really when i still have one healthy boy on the way! x
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Aww im sorry for your loss hun.Its hard isnt it.your not selfish at all xxx

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